Configuring General System Settings

From the Web Console, configure general settings for Avalanche, including allowing profile application, session or edit lock timeout, alert settings, message backlog limit, server-to-server restrictions, and localization settings.

For information on configuring integrated logon for the Avalanche Console, see Configuring LDAP.

To configure general system settings

1.Click Tools > System Settings.
The System Settings page appears.

2.Modify the settings as desired.

3.Click Save to save your changes.

The system settings include the following options:

Disallow profile application at root level

Sets Avalanche so that profiles cannot be applied at the My Enterprise level. This option is only available to administrator users.

Log me out after this many minutes of inactivity

Logs the user out after the set number of minutes of inactivity. This option is only available to administrator users.

Refresh page every __ seconds

Sets how often the page refreshes. This option is only available to administrator users.

Days of alerts to display

Number of days an alert is displayed in the Current Alerts panel.

Number of alerts to display

The number of alerts to display in the Current Alerts panel.

Number of alerts to store

Maximum number of alerts to store. Alerts are stored in the database on the Enterprise Server. This option is only available for administrative users.

Email Settings

Sets the information for the email server that alerts will be forwarded to.

Enable Edit Lock Control

Enables Edit Lock to prevent conflicts between users who modify the same item at the same time. If a user is editing an item (such as a profile), they have a limited amount of time to make and save their changes before the edit lock times out. When the edit lock times out, a prompt will appear asking if they want to extend the edit lock. If they do not respond to the prompt, the Edit Lock will be canceled, changes will not be saved, and other users will be able to edit the item.

Edit Lock Timeout

Sets the amount of time the user has before the Edit Lock prompt appears.

Timeout Warning Tolerance

Sets the amount of time between when the prompt appears and when the edit lock is canceled.

Message backlog

Sets the maximum threshold of Enterprise Server messages allowed in the backlog. Type the number of messages you want to allow in the backlog to set the threshold. If the spillover threshold is reached, the device servers are throttled and further messages are stored in a file to disk until the backlog is reduced. When device servers are throttled, they will no longer send device statistics updates to the Enterprise Server. After the backlog has been reduced, messages are pulled from the store file into the log and the device servers are no longer throttled. This option is only available to administrator users.

Audit Logging

For information on audit logging, see Configuring Audit Logging. This option is only available to administrator users.


Changes the display language for the Avalanche Console. This setting only affects the Console of the user who configures it.

Time Zone

Changes the time zone affecting the times displayed in the Avalanche Console. This setting only affects the Console of the user who configures it.

System Messages

Displays a message on the login screen and at the top of the Console for all users.

Authentication Options

Avalanche allows Console users to log in to the Avalanche Console using the same information they use to log in to the network (with an LDAP/Active Directory server). It is disabled by default. For more information on configuring LDAP, see Configuring LDAP.

Integrated Login. Console users are managed in Avalanche. Selected by default.

LDAP. Users can log in to the Console using their LDAP accounts. Provide the address to access the LDAP server, and enable the LDAP check box. To use SSL encryption (LDAPS), upload a certificate.

Global Server-to-Server Communications

Allows Avalanche to suspend or throttle communication between the Enterprise and Mobile Device Servers. To configure server-to-server communication, see Restricting Server-to-Server Communication.

Custom Tools Links

Adds custom links to the Tools menu for direct access to other pages. To add links, see Creating Links in the Tools Menu.

Microsoft Certificate Authorities (SCEP)

This option is only available if you have a Certificate Manager license.

Adds a Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) for issuing certificates to network devices. Connecting with a Certificate Authority through SCEP allows you to distribute and revoke active certificates, enroll certificates, and query certificates on managed mobile devices. The credentials used here to connect with a Certificate Authority are created as part of the SCEP setup process. For more information about SCEP, seeUsing the Certificate Management Server.

Name. A label to identify the Certificate Authority being used.

Description. A brief description of the Certificate Authority being used or what devices are to use certificates from it.

SCEP URL. The IP or hostname for your SCEP server, as defined during the Microsoft SCEP server setup. This URL must be HTTPS. For example, an SCEP URL would look like:

Static Challenge. A static password used when sending certificate requests to a Certificate Authority. When a device communicates with the Certificate Management Server, it transmits this password for each authentication.

Subject name. This field is the common name for each issued certificate. It is not currently editable and defaults to the serial number of the device being issued.

Private key length. Defines the length of private keys devices must have to request certificates from the SCEP server. You can set this to 1024 or 2048. This length is typically set during the Microsoft SCEP setup process.