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Creating Custom Reports
Avalanche reporting allows you to create custom reports using information from your databases. In order to utilize custom reports, you must be familiar with SQL query statements.
This section gives basic instructions on creating a custom report. For details about the database tables, see Database Tables.
A custom report can only include information from either the Enterprise database or the Statistics database. You cannot create a custom report using tables from both databases.
To create a custom report:
1.From the Web Console, click the Reports tab.
2.From the Configured Reports panel, click New.
The Create a New Report page appears.
3.Click Create a Custom Report.
The Create Reports page appears.
4.Select the database from which you would like to report and click Next.
5.Select the database tables on which you would like to report, and enable the check boxes for the columns you want to include. Click Next.
6.Use the SQL keyword fields to create an SQL query statement that will return the desired information. For information about SQL query statements, see SQL Query Statements.
7.Type a Report Name in the text box and select the Output Format for the report. If you want the report to be e-mailed to a specific e-mail address, type the address in the Email Report text box. Click Next.
8.Click Finish to return to the Reports page.
From the Reports page, you can run or schedule the report and view the report results.
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