Avalanche powered by Wavelink
MobileDeviceStats Table
This table contains the following columns:
Column |
Type |
Description |
AckFailureCount |
Integer |
The number of ACK failures. |
AvailVirtualMemory |
Integer |
Available virtual memory. |
BackupBatteryCharge |
Integer |
The backup battery charge level. |
BackupBatteryMask |
Integer |
The backup battery mask. |
BatteryCharge |
Integer |
The battery charge level. |
BatteryMask |
Integer |
The battery mask. |
BroadcastBytesRcvdOK |
Integer |
The number of broadcast bytes received. |
BroadcastBytesXmtdOK |
Integer |
The number of broadcast bytes transmitted. |
BroadcastFramesRcvdOK |
Integer |
The number of broadcast frames received. |
BroadcastFramesXmtdOK |
Integer |
The number of broadcast frames transmitted. |
DataRate |
Integer |
The data rate. |
DeviceId |
Integer |
The ID of the device. |
DirectedBytesRcvdOK |
Integer |
The number of received bytes. |
DirectedBytesXmtdOK |
Integer |
The number of directed bytes. |
DirectedFramesRcvdOK |
Integer |
The number of frames received. |
DirectedFramesXmtdOK |
Integer |
The number of directed frames transmitted. |
FailedCount |
Integer |
Failed frame count. |
FcsErrorCount |
Integer |
The FCS error count. |
FrameDuplicateCount |
Integer |
The number of duplicate frames. |
FramesMissedNoBuffers |
Integer |
The number of frames dropped because there was no buffer available. |
FramesRcvdOK |
Integer |
The number of frames received. |
FramesXmtdOK |
Integer |
The number of frames transmitted. |
Integer |
The unique identifier of the mobile device. |
Mode |
Integer |
The mode of the device (adhoc or infrastructure). |
MountedStorage1Folder |
Integer |
The first mounted storage folder name. |
MountedStorage1Free |
Integer |
The first mounted storage free. |
MountedStorage1Size |
Integer |
The first mounted storage size. |
MountedStorage2Folder |
Integer |
The second mounted storage folder name. |
MountedStorage2Free |
Integer |
The second mounted storage free. |
MountedStorage2Size |
Integer |
The second mounted storage size. |
MulticastBytesRcvdOK |
Integer |
The number of multicast bytes received. |
MulticastBytesXmtdOK |
Integer |
The number of multicast bytes transmitted. |
MulticastFramesRcvdOK |
Integer |
The number of multicast frames received. |
MulticastFramesXmtdOK |
Integer |
The number of multicast frames transmitted. |
MulticastRcvdFrameCount |
Integer |
The multicast received frame count. |
MulticastXmtdFrameCount |
Integer |
Multicast transmitted frame count. |
MultipleRetryCount |
Integer |
The number of multiple retries. |
PowerSource |
Integer |
The power source. |
ProgramFreeMemory |
Integer |
The available amount of program memory. |
ProgramMemory |
Integer |
The total program memory. |
RcvCRCErrors |
Integer |
The number of CRC errors. |
RcvdFragmentCount |
Integer |
The received fragment count. |
RcvErrors |
Integer |
The number of receive errors. |
RetryCount |
Integer |
The number of retries. |
RootFilesystemFree |
Integer |
The file system free. |
RootFileSystemSize |
Integer |
The size of the root file system. |
SignalStrength |
Integer |
The signal strength. |
StoreFreeMemory |
Integer |
The available amount of storage memory. |
StoreMemory |
Integer |
The amount of storage memory. |
Timestamp |
Integer |
Time of the reported statistic. |
TotalMemory |
Integer |
The total available memory. |
TotalVirtualMemory |
Integer |
Total virtual memory. |
TransmitErrors |
Integer |
The number of transmit errors. |
XmtdFragmentCount |
Integer |
Transmitted fragment count. |
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