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Viewing the Audit Log
The audit log collects information about actions performed from the Avalanche Console. As part of the data collection, the audit log tracks the username and IP address for each logged event, the date and time of the Console activity, and a description of the changes that occurred. Only an administrator user can configure and view the audit log.
For information about enabling and configuring the audit log, see Configuring Audit Logging.
To view the audit log:
1.Click Tools > Audit Log.
The Audit Log page appears.
2.Select the filter or filters you want to use:
•To filter events by date, enable Date Range and use the calendar buttons to select the beginning and end dates.
•To filter events by IP address, enable IP Range and enter the range of addresses you want to view.
•To filter events by type, enable Activity Type and select the check boxes for the activities you want to view.
•To filter events by username, enable Username and select the username from the drop-down menu.
3.Click Apply Filters to update the list according to your filter.
All events matching the filters appear in the list.
4.If you wish to delete all entries in the audit log, click Clear Log in the upper left corner. This will remove all entries from the database and archive the information in a .csv file in the backup directory.
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