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Creating and Configuring a Smart Device Server Profile
A Smart Device Server profile allows you to configure push notifications, HTTPS configuration, and smart device administration. A smart device server profile can have its status set to enabled or disabled. The profile must be enabled before you can apply it. The home location for the profile is the location you have selected when you create the profile.
A Smart Device Server may have more than one profile applied to it. For example, a Smart Device Server may have a profile applied to it that only has the HTTPS configuration and Device Folder assignment configured.
You must have one Smart Device Server profile for each Smart Device Server if you use the Central File Store. The SDS public address must be configured for each Smart Device Server in order to use the Central File Store correctly.
To create a smart device server profile
1.From the Profiles tab, click New Profile.
2.The New Profile dialog box appears. Click Smart device server.
3.Type the name of the profile in the Name text box and configure the profile settings.
Push Notifications |
Enables Avalanche to communicate with Smart devices through the use of service-specific data encryption. These fields are required if you are using Apple devices, or if you are using Android devices with the GCM Enabler. •Google GCM. Enter a Google Project Number and API key to allow Android devices to communicate directly with your Smart device server. If you only use the ANS enabler, then you do not need to complete these fields. To enable communication with Android devices, see Configuring GCM for Android. •Apple iOS. Upload a signed APNS certificate and enter the password associated. To enable communication with iOS devices, see APNS Certificate for iOS. |
HTTPS Configuration |
Allows Avalanche to communicate with devices using SSL certificates. This requires uploading a certificate, entering the password associated with it, and typing the Smart device server address. For information on creating a certificate, see SSL Certificates. |
Smart Device Administration |
•Enable Client Admin Password. Sets a password that is required by the device in order to remove payloads from iOS devices. This password also allows an Android device user to override app restrictions. •Automatic Smart Device Check-in. Define how frequently Smart devices check in to the server for new configurations or files. If you do not enable the option, devices default to checking in every 24 hours. Performing an Update Now command for a device does not reset the interval. |
Device Folder Assignment |
Define how devices are assigned to folders after they enroll. If you do not configure this option, it inherits the settings from the nearest profile assigned to a parent location. •Static by user. The device is placed in the folder associated with its enrollment rule when it first enrolls. Then users can move it to the desired folder. The device stays in that folder until a user moves it or it re-enrolls. •Dynamic by selection criteria. When devices checks in to the server, the server evaluates the selection criteria of the folders and puts each device into the first folder with matching selection criteria. The server does this each time a device checks in, so if the folders or selection criteria change, the device would automatically be moved to the first matching folder when it checks in. Even if a device is manually moved to a different folder by an administrator, it will be moved to the first matching folder the next time the device checks in. |
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