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Enabling Secure Communication

There are several connections used by Avalanche that can be secured using encryption methods beyond the basic Avalanche Notification Service (ANS). They include:

Securing the connection between Android or iOS devices and the Smart device server. This step is mandatory if you are going to connect Smart devices to Avalanche. This requires an SSL certificate, a GCM API for Android devices, and an APNS certificate for iOS devices.

Securing the connection between the Avalanche Console (a web browser) and the Avalanche web server. This step is optional, and requires an SSL certificate.

Securing the connection between AIDC devices and the Avalanche Remote Control server and viewer. This step is required if you have Avalanche Remote Control installed and you have secured the Avalanche Console. This step requires an SSL certificate.

For information on establishing secure communication for Avalanche, see the following topics:

APNS Certificate for iOS

Configuring GCM for Android

SSL Certificates

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