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Upgrading from Avalanche 6.0 or Newer

If you are currently using Avalanche 6.0 or newer and are upgrading to the latest version, the process is straightforward and requires little setup. All services associated with Avalanche, including the Smart and mobile device servers, Certificate Management server, and Remote Control server are upgraded with the same installer.

As part of the upgrade process, any previous versions of Avalanche installed locally will be uninstalled. Do not exit the uninstall dialog because this will corrupt the Avalanche upgrade.

Prior to beginning the upgrade process, we recommend backing up your databases as this will allow you to restore to older instances if an error occurs.

To upgrade from Avalanche 6.0 or newer:

1.Double-click the Avalanche installer.

2.Select a language and click OK.

3.Review the Pre-Install checklist and then click Next to continue.

4.Browse to the install directory for your current version of Avalanche and click Next.

5.The Select Components screen appears. Select which components you want included on the installation and click Next. If you currently use a version of Remote Control older than version 6.1 with your mobile devices, you must manually uninstall your existing Remote Control Server and install the Remote Control Server component bundled with Avalanche to retain this functionality. To manage certificates on your mobile devices through Avalanche, you must select the Certificate Management Server component.

6.Enter the SQL Server credentials and click Next. The Main DB Name defaults to Avalanche and the Stats DB Name to AvaStats. If you use a named instance instead of the default MSSQLSERVER instance, select the checkbox for Use Named Instance and enter the name of your custom instance.

An alert appears to indicate an upgradable database version is detected. Click OK, as this upgrade will take place during the installation.

7.By default, the installer creates shortcuts in the Windows Start menu. Click Next to accept the shortcut, or modify it as desired and then click Next.

8.The New Installation Review Configuration screen appears, which indicates all of the activities that take place as part of the upgrade. Click Next to begin the upgrade process.

9.Click Finish to complete the upgrade.

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