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Using Selection Criteria
Selection criteria are sets of rules which you can apply to profiles or devices. The rules are generally device properties such as the model name or OS type, but can also assign custom properties. These criteria define which mobile devices or Smart devices receive a profile or are added to a group. For example, set a profile so that it is only applied to Hand Held 7400 devices by using the criterion:
ModelName = HHP7400
Profiles allow you to set selection criteria at the time that the profile is applied. In addition, some profiles — such as an AIDC mobile device profile — allow you to have selection criteria built in to the profile itself. In order to edit selection criteria after a profile is created and applied, you can either edit the profile or edit the selection criteria used when the profile was applied. To edit the profile, click the Profiles tab and then click on the name of the profile you want to edit. To edit the selection criteria used when the profile was applied, navigate to the location where the profile is applied, click the Profiles tab, and then in the Applied Profiles panel, find the profile and click the text in the Selection Criteria column.
After the profile is enabled and applied to a folder, it is distributed to devices in the folder that meet the selection criteria.
If you want to set criteria but only want to match part of the expression, use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to represent single or multiple characters. A hyphen (-) can be used to indicate a range of numbers. You can also use parentheses and boolean operators for flexible combination of multiple variables. These options can reduce the size and complexity of selection criteria.
The database interfaces used by Avalanche put a length limit on SQL expressions. Selection criteria containing more than 150 expressions have a good chance of exceeding the limits. Ivanti recommends limiting selection criteria to 20 selection variables or less.
Additional selection criteria may also be built into each software package to restrict the distribution of the package to devices that can use it. The built-in selection criteria associated with a software package are set by the package developer and cannot be modified after the package has been created.
You can also use the selection criteria to dynamically assign devices to a different group each time the device syncs. This is enabled through the Dynamic by selection criteria setting on the Mobile Device Server Profile. If the properties on a mobile device change between check-ins, the next time a check-in occurs, Avalanche automatically assigns the mobile device to another folder with selection criteria matching the new property. For more information, see Creating and Configuring a Mobile Device Server Profile.
The selection criteria builder provides a list of operators and preset selection variables, and also allows you to add custom properties as selection variables. Use the selection criteria builder to build valid selection criteria.
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