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Managing Console User Accounts
A user account is required to log in to the Avalanche Console. User accounts allow you to define who can access components and perform tasks. Each user is assigned to a home folder, which defines the folders the user has authority to manage.
There are two types of accounts: Administrator and Normal. An Administrator account can access and modify all the configurations in Avalanche associated with its home folder or any sub-folders. A Normal account is assigned to specific folders or profiles and can only view or make changes in its assigned areas.
Avalanche is installed with a default Administrator account amcadmin with the password admin. Ivanti recommends you create a new password for this account once you log in.
When a Normal account is created, assign permissions to that account. These permissions can apply to all profiles of a type (for example, all alert profiles), to specific tools (for example, Remote Control), or folder management and deployment. You can also assign permissions on a profile-by-profile basis by authorizing the user for individual profiles.
As an alternative to assigning permissions to each Normal account, you can assign permissions to a user group. Each Normal account that belongs to the user group has the permissions which are assigned to the group. If a user is removed from the group, he no longer has the associated permissions. A Normal account can belong to more than one user group at a time.
If your network uses Active Directory or LDAP for user access, you can set up integrated logon for Avalanche. Avalanche will accept the usernames and passwords accepted on your network. After a user has logged in to Avalanche, you can assign him permissions for components and tasks.
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