
Avalanche requires one license for each mobile device it manages. Once the device receives a license, Avalanche can manage that device. If a license expires or is released, the license returns to the pool of licenses at the License Server.

Avalanche has the following licensing options:

Base licenses support any version of Avalanche that is the same or older than the license.

Maintenance licenses support any version of Avalanche with the same major release number as the license. You must have one base license for each distributed maintenance license.

Subscription licenses support Avalanche version 6.3 and newer and are renewed yearly. When purchasing subscription licenses, you do not need to specify which type of servers or devices the licenses will be used for.

Contact your Ivanti sales representative if you need to purchase licenses. Demo licenses are available.

Activating licenses automatically

If Avalanche is on a system that has internet access, you can use automatic license activation. With this method, Avalanche automatically connects with a secure Ivanti web server to verify your license.

1.Obtain the Avalanche product licensing code from Ivanti. You receive this information in an email upon purchasing Avalanche.

2.From the Avalanche Console, click Tools > Support and Licensing.

3.In the Installed Licenses panel, click Add License.
The Add License dialog box appears.

4.Select the Activation key option and type the product license in the Activation Key text box.

5.Click Save.
Avalanche connects with a secure Ivanti web server and your license is verified. The details of the new license appear in the Installed Licenses panel.

For information about manually activating licenses, see Activating Licenses in the user guide.

What next?

Create regions for your servers. For information about regions, see Managing Regions.