Connecting Devices to an Enterprise

Android devices can be enrolled in Avalanche with an Android Enterprise account. To enroll a device with an Android Enterprise, create an enrollment rule that connects to the enterprise account, install the Android Enterprise enabler on the device, and then enroll the device using the enterprise enrollment rule.

Once an enterprise device is enrolled, it can receive Android Enterprise payloads. For more information, see Smart Device Payloads in the user guide.

Android Enterprise devices can be managed in three modes: work profile mode, fully managed mode, and dedicated device (kiosk) mode.

Work profile devices

Work profile mode is typically used for employee-owned devices (BYOD), since it creates a work profile that is distinct from the rest of the device. Work profiles keep the user's work related accounts, apps, and data separate from their personal data. (Requires Android 5.1+.)

After installing the enabler, the device connects to Avalanche's smart device server.

ClosedEnrolling a work profile device

1.Use the device to download and install the Ivanti Avalanche Android Enterprise enabler from the Google Play Store.

2.Open the enabler.

3.Enter the Enrollment ID, Password, and Server address in the text boxes and tap Setup Profile.

4.Tap Accept & continue to agree to Google's work profile terms and conditions.
The work profile is created, and the enabler is moved into the work profile.

5.Open the work profile Ivanti Avalanche Enterprise enabler. Work profile apps are indicated by a small briefcase badge on the icon.

6.Tap Enroll.
The device is placed in the folder associated with the enrollment rule it used and can be viewed from the inventory tab.

Fully managed devices

Fully managed mode is typically used for company-owned devices, since it has full control over the device and its data. Fully managed device mode offers extensive control over device apps, policies, and settings. When a device is in fully managed mode, you can also perform device actions from the Avalanche console, such as locking and wiping the device. (Requires Android 6.0+.)

After installing the enabler, the device connects to Avalanche's smart device server.

ClosedEnrolling a fully managed device

1.Factory reset the device.

2.Enter the information to connect to your Wi-Fi network.

3.Tap Set up as new.

4.In the email or phone field, enter afw#avalanche and tap Next.

5.Tap Install to download and install the Avalanche Android Enterprise enabler.

6.Tap Accept & continue to allow Avalanche to manage the device and set up Android Enterprise.

7.Enter the Enrollment ID, Password, and Server address in the text boxes and tap Enroll.

Google Play services are installed and the device is enrolled in Avalanche. This may take some time.

The device is placed in the folder associated with the enrollment rule it used and can be viewed from the inventory tab.

Once your first fully managed device has been enrolled, you can use Avalanche's simplified provisioning options to enroll more fully managed devices. For more information, see QR Code Provisioning and NFC Provisioning.

Dedicated devices

Dedicated device mode locks fully managed devices to a single app or set of apps. Dedicated device mode (also known as kiosk mode) is a subset of fully managed mode. To put a device into dedicated device mode, enroll it as a fully managed device then use a restrictions payload to enable kiosk mode. (Requires Android 6.0+.)

After installing the enabler, the device connects to Avalanche's smart device server. Once it receives a restrictions payload with dedicated device settings, it is set as a dedicated device.

ClosedCreating a payload to enable dedicated device mode

1.In the Avalanche console, navigate to the Payloads tab.

2.Click Add Payload.

3.Click Android Enterprise > Restrictions.

4.Name the payload.

5.Under Dedicated Device, select Enable Kiosk Mode.

6.Enter the app name and package for the apps you would like the device to be locked to.

7.Click Save.

8.Add the payload to a smart device profile.

9.Deploy the smart device profile to any desired folders.