Importing a Certificate for the Central File Store

You must have a certificate for the server where the Central File Store is located. If you set up the Central File Store in the same location as a smart device server, you can use the same certificate for both.

This process requires a certificate in a pfx/p12 format. For more information about certificates, see Obtaining SSL Certificates.

Importing a certificate

1.In the Avalanche console, navigate to Tools > Central FileStore.

2.In the Central File Server HTTPS Certificate section, click Browse for Certificate File.

3.Locate the certificate's .pfx file and click Open.

4.Enter the password associated with the certificate in the Certificate Store Password text box.

5.In the Central File Server URL section, enter the public server address of your server. The default port for the Central File Store is 9000.

6.Click Save.

7.Click the Needs Deployment button in the upper right corner of the console.

8.Select Deploy Now.


Select Deploy Later and enter a date and time for the deployment.

9.Click Finish.
A system message will appear in the console when the deployment is completed.