Using the License Server console

The License Server console consists of several web pages allowing you to perform different tasks. Use the navigation links at the top of the page to access the following pages:

Configuration. Access the configuration file and change License Server settings. For more information, refer to Changing License Server settings.

Status. Check the status of the License Server. For details on the information presented on this page, refer to Viewing the License Server status.

Licenses. View, add, disable and delete licenses. For more information, refer to Managing licenses.

Logging Level. Update the logging level temporarily. For more information, refer to Updating logging levels.

To view or download the log files for the server, click Logs at the top of the page.

The License Server Console supports the following languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Thai, Chinese (Traditional) and Chinese (Simplified). The language displayed depends on the browser settings.

To launch the License Server console:

Open a web browser and type the address and port of the License Server in the address bar. The default is:

http://[server name]:4420/

Where [server name] is the name or IP address of the server where the License Server is installed.

If you have configured the License Server with a certificate, use HTTPS as the protocol instead: 
https://[server name]:4420/
The server name you use in the address bar must match the name on the certificate.
If the certificate is self-signed, most browsers display an error that the certificate is not valid. You must bypass the error (usually by clicking Advanced > Proceed anyway or similarly named options) in order to view the License Server Console.


From the Windows Start menu on the same server where the License Server is installed, select Programs > Velocity License Server. If the license server is running, the License Server Console will appear in the default browser.

By default, there is no username and password configured to access the License Server Console. For information on how to configure credentials to log in to the License Server, see Changing License Server settings.