Use WAV File as Voice Input

The following example script assists the user in automated testing, allowing for a recorded input to be used as a recognized voice input source for Speakeasy. When using the full calibration wizard, you can create WAV recordings that can be played back against the grammar files that contain the recorded content.

Speech_To_Text_Set_Audio_Test_File("c:\\speakeasy\\FSE-North-America-Training_5-1-14\\STT1.wav", TRUE, FALSE)
Speech_Change_Setting("stt_result_sound", 0)

The absolute path to the WAV file must be provided, or the engine will resume receiving speech input from a microphone. Following the path are two True/False parameters, the first determining if the file should be restarted when a grammar change takes place, and the second determining if the audio file should be played aloud from the device's speakers as it is supplied to Speakeasy for voice input. If the second parameter is set to FALSE, it will still play against Speakeasy's grammar files for the purpose of improved automation testing.


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