RFInput Method

This member of Class WaveLinkIO is supported on iOS, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, Palm, and DOS.

The RFInput Method returns user input events from a mobile device over a wireless network.


public String RFInput(String defaultString, int nLength, int nCol, int nRow, String barcodeCfg, int keyMode, long inputMode)
throws WaveLinkError



Default text that appears in the input prompt (""). The default value is not be included in returned input


The length, in characters, of the input field


The x-coordinate of the input field. Columns are numbered from the left starting with column 0


The y-coordinate of the input field. Rows are numbered from the top starting with row 0


The barcode configuration to use with this input. Enter null ("") for this parameter to specify the default configuration


The default keyboard mode. The possible values for keyMode are:

WLCAPSLOCK - Caps lock on

WLNORMALKEYS - Caps lock off


The input characteristics. The possible values for inputMode are:

WLALPHA_ONLY - Accepts only alphabetic input

WLBACKLIGHT - Enables the device display backlight

WLCLR_INPUT_BUFFER - Clears the input buffer of any pending data

WLDISABLE_SCAN - Disable the device scanner

WLDISABLE_FKEYS - Disable function keys

WLDISABLE_KEY - Disable the device keypad

WLECHO_ASTERISK - Echos an asterisk (“*) to device screen with each key entered

WLFORCE_ENTRY - Input is not returned unless an actual value is entered in the input prompt

WLINGORE_CRLF - Includes any carriage returns or line feeds embedded within the returned input string. By default, returned input strings containing these characters are broken into separate input packets

WLINCLUDE_DATA - RFInput returns both data entered at an input prompt and any additional function key input

WLMAXLENGTH - RFInput does not accept more characters than defined in the nLength parameter

WLNO_NONPRINTABLE - Suppresses non-printable characters. This input mode is used primarily when using foreign character sets

WLNO_RETURN_BKSP - Input is not returned if the Backspace key is pressed in the first position of the input prompt

WLNO_RETURN_FILL - Input is not returned until the Enter key is pressed, even if the maximum input length is reached

WLNUMERIC_ONLY - Accepts only numeric input

WLSOFT_TRIGGER - Automatically activates the device’s scanner when the RFInput function is called

WLSUPPRESS_ECHO - Disable display echo of input


The event’s contents as a string




The characters entered in the defaultString parameter are not included with the returned input. For example, if the user presses Enter without changing the default value, the ASCII code for Enter (Chr$(13)) is returned.

Multiple input mode options may be used by “ORing” the desired values (for example, WLDISABLE_SCAN | WLDISABLE_FKEYS).

See Constant Values for the numeric equates returned by the function.

RFInput returns input immediately after either the Enter key is pressed, the maximum input length has been reached, the Backspace key is pressed in the first position, or a function key is pressed.

If a function key is pressed, the RFInput only returns the value for the function key pressed, discarding any data entered in the input prompt. Use WLINCLUDE_DATA to return both the data entered in the input prompt and the function key value). Note that if you use WLINCLUDE_DATA, only the data entered in the input prompt is removed from the input stack on the initial call to RFInput. A subsequent call to either RFInput or GetEvent Method within the same WaveLinkIO object is required to remove the function key from the input stack.

You may further limit barcode input types through the use of Barcode Configuration files. Please see Class WaveLinkBarcode for more information.

To return a single key, function key combination, or scan input use the GetEvent Method.

Use the TellEvent Method to check for user input without removing the input from the input queue and pausing your application.


WaveLinkIO IOIface = new WaveLinkIO();

WaveLinkTerminal termIface = new WaveLinkTerminal();

string pszVerifyIn;

string pszVerifyInDefault = "";




try {

// Do something to instruct the user to enter input.

// This example uses a call to RFPrint.

IOIface.RFPrint(0, (termIface.TerminalHeight() – 1), "Verify y/n ? ", WaveLinkIO.WLREVERSE | WaveLinkIO.WLCLREOLN);

pszVerifyIn = IOIface.RFInput(pszVerifyInDefault, 1, 0, (termIface.TerminalHeight() + 2), "", WaveLinkIO.WLDISABLESCAN | WaveLinkIO.WLNO_RETURN_BKSP);


catch (WaveLinkError wlErr) {

//Do error handling



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