When you use the Program Manager, it allows users access to all of the applications in the groups that they have access to. You can group applications together to make it easier to manage who has access to them.
To add a new application group:
1 Click Program Manager Administrator from the Administrator toolbar, or click Wavelink Utilities > Program Manager Administrator.
2 Click the Wavelink Application Information tab.
3 Type the name of the new application group in the Wavelink Group Information field.
4 Click Add.
To delete an application group:
1 Click Program Manager Administrator from the Administrator toolbar, or click Wavelink Utilities > Program Manager Administrator.
2 Click the Wavelink Application Information tab.
3 Select the application group from the Wavelink Group Information list.
4 Click Delete.
A dialog box appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete this application group.
5 Click Yes.
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