Once you create a new user account, you can assign a password and application groups to that account.
To assign a password to an account:
1 Click Program Manager Administrator from the Administrator toolbar, or click Wavelink Utilities > Program Manager Administrator.
2 Select the desired user account from the Current Wavelink User field.
3 Click Password. The Change User Password dialog box appears.
4 Type the current password for the account in the Original User Password field. By default, the password for any account will be the same as the account name.
5 Type the new password for the account in the New User Password field.
6 Confirm the new password by re-typing it in the Confirm New Password field.
7 Click OK.
The new password will now be assigned to the user account.
To assign application groups to an account:
1 Click Program Manager Administrator from the Administrator toolbar, or click Wavelink Utilities > Program Manager Administrator.
2 Select the desired user account from the Current Wavelink User field.
3 Select the application groups you want to assign to this user account from the Available list found in the Wavelink Application Group section of the PMA.
4 Click [>].
The selected application groups now appear in the Assigned list.
To remove application groups from a user account, select the application group from the Assigned list and click [<].
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