Starting Studio

If Studio is installed as an automatic Windows service, the server will automatically start each time the computer is started. If Studio is not a Windows service or is a manual Windows service, the server must be started manually each time your computer is started.

The Administrator allows you to access and modify servers, applications, and mobile devices on your network. The Administrator displays several views. Each view contains information about your wireless applications and provides you with a collection of options you can use to configure how Studio manages those applications. The views contained in the Administrator are as follows:

Server Monitor

This view allows you to manage the servers, add wireless applications, and view users connected to your Studio installation.


This view allows you to add, modify, and delete applications in Studio.


This view allows you to add, modify, delete, and reclaim licenses distributed to your servers.


This view allows you to add, modify, and delete remote servers. It also allows you to give authorization for sites to access wireless applications and licenses.

Closing the Administrator does not stop the Studio server.

To start the server in Solaris:

From a terminal, navigate to the Studio installation directory, type Start_Server and press Enter.

To start the server in Windows as an application:

From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > Wavelink 5.0 > Studio Server.

The server starts and you may now open the Administrator.

To start the server in Windows when Studio is a manual Windows service:

1  From the Windows Start menu, select Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

2  In the list of services, find Wavelink Studio and right-click on it.

3  Select Start.

The server starts and you may now open the Administrator.

To open the Administrator in Solaris:

From a terminal, navigate to the Studio installation directory, type Studio_Administrator and press Enter.

To open the Administrator in Windows:

From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > Wavelink 5.1 > Studio Administrator.

The Administrator opens and you can access your servers, applications, and mobile devices.


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