Site Applications & Users Region

Below the Site List in the Server Monitor view is the Site Applications & Users region. This region is divided into two tables:

Site Applications and Users Region

Applications Table

The table on the left side of the Site Applications & Users region is the Applications table. When you select a server from the Site List, the Applications table displays information on each application available on that server. The information in the Applications table is as follows:


The title of the application.


The port number used to connect an application to a mobile device.


The number of mobile devices connected to the application.

If you double-click on an entry in the Applications table in the Server Monitor view, a dialog box provides additional data for each application:


The name of the application.


The type of application (Java or Win32).

Running From

The directory from which the application is running.


The class name for the application.

Last Modified

The date on which the application was last modified.

Connection Limit

The maximum number of connections to the application.

Session Timeout

The maximum amount of time that can pass before the Administrator times out the connection.

Inactivity Timeout

The amount of time that can pass with no activity before the Administrator disconnects the user.

Log Priority

The priority level for any log entries associated with the application.

Restart Attempts

The number of times Studio attempts to start the application if the first attempt fails.

Restart Pause

The length of time that Studio waits between restart attempts.

Run at Startup

A checkbox that, if enabled, indicates that the Application Server must launch the application when it first starts.

For information about editing application properties, see Editing Application Properties.

Application Users Table

The table on the right side of the Site Applications & Users region is the Application Users table. When you select an application from the Applications table, the Application Users table displays information on any users connected to that application:


The type of device connected to the application.

IP Address

The IP address of the device.

Session ID

The ID number that identifies the current connection session between the device and the application.


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