ListBarcodeFiles Method

This member of RFBarcode Object is supported on iOS, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, Palm, and DOS.

The ListBarcodeFiles method returns the total number of barcode files on an RF device and stores the list of file names within the current object.


nBarcodes = object.ListBarcodeFiles()


HRESULT hr = object->ListBarcodeFiles(short *nBarcodes);

Return Value


The total number of barcode files. This method will return a -1 if an error occurs. Use the RFGetLastError method to return the generated error code.


To return the value of the last successful ListBarcodeFiles method without making an actual call to the RF device, use the BarcodeFileCount Method. To list the total number of barcode configurations within a single barcode file, use the BarcodeCount method after making the file the current RFBarcode object.


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