SetMaxLength Method

This member of RFBarcode Object is supported on iOS, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, Palm, and DOS.

The SetMaxLength method defines the maximum input length for an existing barcode configuration within an RFBarcode object.


bStatus = object.SetMaxLength (nMax, nBarcode)


HRESULT hr = object->SetMaxLength(short nMax, short nBarcode, BOOL *bStatus);

Return Value


The status of the function returned as Boolean True or False values. Use the RFGetLastError method to return the error value.



The maximum acceptable input length for the barcode configuration.


The zero based index value barcode configuration whose maximum input length is to be altered. For example, to alter the maximum input length for the third barcode configuration in the current RFBarcode object you would pass a 2.


Input length restrictions for barcode configurations can be eliminated by setting the nMax parameter of the SetMaxLength and the nMin parameter of the SetMinLength Method to zero(0).

To alter the maximum input length for a barcode configuration stored within a barcode file on an RF device, first use the GetBarcodeFile Method to set the barcode file as the current barcode object within the application, then use SetMaxLength.


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