WaveLinkWidgetCollection Object

The WaveLinkWidgetCollection object is supported on: Palm, CE

The WaveLinkWidgetCollection object logically groups widget objects together.


Count Property

Retrieves the number of widget objects in the collection.


Add Method

Adds a widget to the current collection.

Clear Method

Clears all widgets from the current collection.

DeleteAllWidgets Method

Deletes all widgets present on the RF device.

DeleteWidgets Method

Deletes all widgets in the collection from the RF device.

EnableAllWidgets Method

Enables or disables all widgets present on the RF device.

EnableWidgets Method

Enables or disables all widgets in the current collection.

Item Method

Returns the widget specified by the ID or index value from the current collection.

Remove Method

Removes a specific widget based on its index value.

ShowAllWidgets Method

Shows or hides all widgets present on the RF device.

ShowWidgets Method

Shows or hides all widgets in the current collection.

StoreWidgets Method

Stores all widgets in the collection and displays them on the RF device.

Prog IDs



Use the WaveLinkWidgetCollection object to manipulate a group of widgets, such as a set of widgets that appear on the same screen.


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