
Finds the first instance of the substring inside the string, and returns the position where that substring starts. The left-most position is 0, so a value of 0 would be returned if the string started with the substring. A value of -1 is returned if no instances of the substring are in the string.


String to Parse

The string that gets searched.

Substring to Find

The instance of the substring to find in the parsed string.

Ignore Case

Indicates whether the case of the letters is taken into consideration.


String_Find_First (String to Parse, Substring to Find, Ignore Case)


Script( String_Find )

String( strOriginal )

String( strMessage )

String( strTitle )

String( strSearchFor )

Number( nFirstIndex )

Number( nLastIndex )

Activate( From_Menu )

strOriginal = Ask_String( "Enter a string to search", "String_Find", 1, 99, "abcdef ABCDE" )

strSearchFor = Ask_String("Search for:", "String_Find", 1, 99, "bc")

nFirstIndex = String_Find_First( strOriginal, strSearchFor, TRUE )

nLastIndex = String_Find_Last( strOriginal, strSearchFor, TRUE )

strTitle = String_Combine( "Search """, strOriginal )

strTitle = String_Combine( strTitle, """ for """ )

strTitle = String_Combine( strTitle, strSearchFor )

strTitle = String_Combine( strTitle, """" )

strMessage = String_Combine( "String_Find_First: ", Number_To_String_Decimal( nFirstIndex ) )

Ask_OK( strMessage, strTitle )

strMessage = String_Combine( "String_Find_Last: ", Number_To_String_Decimal( nLastIndex ) )

Ask_OK( strMessage, strTitle )


See Also

String_Length, String_Find_Last, String_Equal, String_Set


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