Velocity powered by Wavelink

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

Security Settings

The following settings are available on the Security tab of the host profile.



Uses SSL to encrypt the information sent to the host. When this option is selected, the Port field for the host profile is changed to 992. You cannot use ConnectPro when SSL is enabled.


Valid Certificate

Adds a valid certificate to devices for secure connections with a host. When added, all associated subject and thumbprint information is listed here. The host address shown in the certificate must match the host server location, or else the device will not trust the host.

If no certificate is attached to the host profile, then Velocity refers to the device's certificate store. In this store, certificates distributed by certificate authorities are trusted and do not need to be added to a host profile. However, if you're using a self-signed certificate you must include it as part of the Velocity console project deployment.

For security purposes, device users are not prompted to trust certificates when connecting to a host. They will only receive an error when a host is not trusted or a certificate is not attached to a host profile.

The certificate extensions supported includes .cer, .crt, and .pem.

You may only attach one certificate to a project.

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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