Velocity powered by Wavelink

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View the current version of the User Guide.

Autologin Settings

The following settings are available on the Autologin tab of the host profile.





The user name prompt that the host system uses. To prompt a user for a specific user name, you can use a variable delineated by a %. For example:

%Gun Number%

The text included within the % indicators is the information that appears in the prompt on the device. In the above example, the prompt would ask the user for "Gun Number" as their user name.

The response that the mobile device should send to the login prompt. Possible Values: 0 - 60 alpha-numeric characters.


The password prompt that the host system uses. To accept a variable value, you can use a value delineated by a % after enabling the Use prompt scheme when editing the host profile in Velocity or through the Velocity Console. For example:

%Store Number%

In the above example, the prompt on the device would ask the user for a "Store Number" as their password.

The password that the mobile device should send to the host system at the password prompt. Possible Values: 0 - 60 alpha-numeric characters.


The command prompt that the host system sends to the Velocity Client after the login is complete.

The command that the mobile device should send the host system at the command prompt. Possible Values: 0 - 60 alpha-numeric characters.

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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