Velocity powered by Wavelink

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View the current version of the User Guide.

Voice Settings

The following settings are available on the Voice tab of the host profile.

To see this tab in the Velocity Console, you must have the Speakeasy Tools installed. For information about installing Speakeasy, see Using Speakeasy.

Enable Voice

Enables the use of speech-to-text and text-to-speech when using the Velocity Client.

Language for Voice Prompts

Specifies the text-to-speech language package when using voice features. When specified, all text on a screen is pronounced in the selected language, even if text is written in English. It is capable of interpreting accents and special characters relevant to that language.

If the selected language is not supported, all text is read in English.


Specifies the voice file to use. Each character has a unique sound specific to the language selected. The names with the bolded style are included within the Speakeasy .apk and require no additional voice files when deploying to a device.

Language for Voice Recognition

Specifies the speech-to-text language to package when using voice features. When set, the Velocity Client listens only for voice commands in that language. The language engine is capable of interpreting accents and translating them to text, including any special characters.

The options for English USA and Spanish Mexico are both bolded in this drop-down menu. This means the associated language files are included with the Speakeasy .apk and require no additional files when deploying to a project.

Starting Volume

Sets the volume level for the speech-to-text voice. Volume levels are measured by percentage. By default, this is set to 80. This can be controlled through voice commands.

Enable STT Audio Logging

Enables the logging of STT, or raw audio streams, from the voice engine. Audio logs are saved to the SD card within the com.wavelink.velocity folder. This log can only contain a maximum of 1,000 samples.

Once you've enabled voice, you can create context menu items for voice. You can also associate grammar files with your project as resources.

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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