Velocity powered by Wavelink

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View the current version of the User Guide.

Editing Screen Elements

After you capture your host screens and import them, edit the screen elements so they look the way you want them to.

By default, Velocity applies predictive formatting. You can edit the predictive formatting, or overwrite it with rapid modernization and custom CSS. This topic describes the screen elements and explains how to edit the predictive formatting. For information about customizing screens using rapid modernization, see Using Rapid Modernization.

Each modernized screen consists of multiple elements, including key text, cursor fields, data labels, fields, headers, and menu items.

Watch a related video (3:16)

A few concepts you'll need to understand before you start editing screens:

Predictive and template screens. After importing screens to the Velocity Console, the black-and-green screens are automatically translated to a mobile-friendly appearance. These screens are labeled as "Predictive," meaning untouched by any manual changes and subject to Velocity's built-in HTML and CSS rendering engine and its universal styles. When manual changes are made to a screen, it becomes a named "Template," with styles and formatting unique to that page. To import screens to your project to edit individual screen element styles, see Importing Screens.

Themes. Elements on a screen can be edited on a per-screen basis, meaning the changes you make to a single screen element won't be applied to all elements of a similar type. Or, through the use of themes, you can create a formatting style for each element type that is applied across all screens. Changing the global theme for a project does not change a screen's "Predictive" status to "Template." For more information on themes, see Configuring Project Settings.

Themes set from the Theme tab are overridden when individual elements are edited on the Screens tab.

Key text and cursor zones. Through the use of key text, you can create a screen template upon which reformatting changes are based. If other screens contain the selected key text, that screen is automatically reformatted to the styles applied to the screen that the key text is currently located on. You can also create cursor zones to establish multiple template rules on a single screen that change the template as users move from field to field.

Tags. To assist with grouping similar screens together or to more easily locate a specific screen, you can use tags to describe a screen's content. You can manually add tags by clicking the space to the right of the screen number. Add any relevant tag words, separated by a comma. You cannot include symbols in a tag.

Spanning. Place elements inside a span to make them display together. For example, put a span around the username data label and the username text field to have them appear side-by-side.

Tables. Structure the layout of elements in rows and columns by adding a table to the reformatted screen. When a table is created, it consists of empty container cells, which you can then drag and drop elements within. This is especially useful for presenting multiple elements such as data labels and fields, or even multiple menu items.

When editing a screen, you can click the Preview button at the bottom of the UI to open a dialog that displays how the screen will generally look to Client users.

While in Preview mode, you can enter the viewable area (screen aspect ratios that do not include the keyboard), zoom in or out (for use while developing the screen only), and enter screen resolution density (generally 1, 1.5, 2, 3, or 4) for the device type being used. The view size and density settings are saved with the project and are viewable from the Session Details on the Client device.

To preview multiple screens in Preview mode, you can tab through them by clicking the up/down arrows on your keyboard.

Screen List

After you've imported a screen capture, the screens are shown in the screen list in the order in which they were captured from the Client. The list also displays associated tags and the applied template. Reorder screens by dragging and dropping the screen number in the list.

Use the search bar to filter the list of screens based on tags, screen text, or screen name.

Use logical operators such as + and - to include or exclude things from a search. For example: +red -green

Use ^ to search text on the green screen. For example: ^qty

Use @ to search template names. For example: @T9

Use # to search tags. For example: #menu

Use " " around a literal phrase. For example: "pick order"

Use ? to perform a single character wildcard search. For example: wil?

Use * to perform a multiple character wildcard search. For example: Qty\:*

Use \ in front of the following characters if you want to search for them: 

+ - & | ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ / @ #

For example: \#login

You can delete duplicate screens from an imported screen capture by clicking the Remove Duplicatesbutton at the bottom of the screen list. Velocity automatically detects which screens are duplicates. Duplication is based on all characters and elements of a screen being the same, as well as cursor zones being located in the same positions. After clicking Remove Duplicates, a dialog will display, listing the number of detected screen duplicates in this list and a prompt to complete the delete. This option is available for TE projects.

Imported Screen

The original black-and-green screens captured from the Client display in this column. All text fields here are identified and rendered using the Velocity built-in HTML and CSS engine.

While the majority of actions in Velocity are performed from the Reformatted Screen and Screen Element columns, you can still perform functions from here such as matching templates, adding cursor zones, and creating new elements.

ClosedTo add key text for template matching

You can add multiple key text fields for template matching. Other screens are compared against this screen, and if the identified key text is found in the same place, those screens will become attached to the same template.

If you create two text fields side-by-side, they automatically combine into one key text field.

1.Click and drag to highlight the text on the Imported Screen pane that must be matched.

2.Click the Add key text button.

3.Click Save to retain the changes.

ClosedTo add cursor zones

1.Click and drag to highlight the cursor zone on the Imported Screen pane that must be matched.

2.Click the Add cursor zone button.

3.Click Save to retain the changes.

The first cursor zone you add to a screen must be where the cursor is currently located on the imported screen. Likewise, you cannot remove the cursor zone with the cursor located in it until all other cursor zones are deleted.

ClosedTo add an element

1.Click and drag to highlight the part of the green screen that you want the new element to correspond with. Try to choose an area of the screen relative to where the element will be on the new screen.

2.Click the New element button.

3.Select the type of element you want to create from the Type drop-down list and configure the options for the element.

Reformatted Screen

This column shows the imported screen with the built-in HTML and CSS rendering engine applied. The black and green screens on the Imported Screen column are now mobile-friendly fields, labels, and buttons. You can select each element and edit their properties from the Screen Elements column.


Assigns a name to the template when changes are made to a screen. All screens with the same template display the same template name. If another screen with the same template is altered, a new template is created to prevent making changes to other screens.

When key text is added or cursor zones are removed, and it causes a previously-matched template to no longer match, then a new template is created. Likewise, if you perform any changes to individual fields, this creates a new template. To match a previous template, the previously-added changes must be removed or cursor zones re-added. Upon doing so, users are alerted of the change and asked to confirm. If confirmed, the original template is overwritten with the current template. When you create a new template from changes made, it receives a higher priority over other templates. What this means is that modified templates will always overrule previous templates.

If you wish to return to the previous template, click the Delete Template button on the Screens tab.

Template names are used when creating screen-specific scopes. By creating a screen name, you can associate scripts that execute only when this screen (and any others sharing the same template name) is accessed.

You can manually change the template name as needed.

The template name is used from the Scripts tab to identify template-specific scopes for a script. Use the value here, preceded by the @ symbol.

Add Table

Adds a table container element that allows you to drag existing elements and place them side-by-side within a container with rows and columns. Tables can include all element types.

Screen Elements

This column offers all settings and options for manipulating reformatted elements. From here, you can alter element formatting, add context menu items, and create screen banners. Simply select an element from the Reformatted Screen column and begin editing its properties here.


Screen Background

Sets the background color of the entire screen. This can be set on a screen-by-screen basis or using themes.

Suppress Banner

Hides a global banner from the individual screen. If a banner is created at the theme level, this option allows you to hide it for select screens. Until a global banner is set, this option cannot be altered.

Banner Element

Activates a banner element that appears at the top of the screen. When set to On, the application navigates you to the Elements tab to apply styling, set a banner title, or upload a logo image. This can be set on a screen-by-screen basis or using themes.

Footer Element

Adds a footer to the bottom of the screen. You can drag and drop new or existing elements into this element. The footer and any elements included within it are fixed to the bottom of the screen, even while scrolling.

Footer Background

Sets the background color of the footer element. This can only be done if the Footer Element is enabled.

Delete Template

Removes the selected screen's template and resets the screen's formatting.

Delete Screen

Removes the selected screen from your project.


Table Properties


Sets the total number of rows contained within the table. By default, this is set to 2.

Reducing the number of rows on a table doesn't delete any elements located on the cells being deleted. These elements are removed from the table and placed below.


Sets the total number of columns contained within the table. By default, this is set to 2.

Reducing the number of columns on a table doesn't delete any elements located on the cells being deleted. These elements are removed from the table and placed below.


Defines how much of the screen the table takes up horizontally. By default, this is set to 100%.

The table is always left justified.

Background Color

Sets the background color of this element. This can be set at the table or theme level.

Alternating Row Color

Sets the background color of every other row in the table, starting with the second row. This can be set at the table or theme level.


Allows you to treat a table as dynamic with selectable fields. Activating this option gives you access to Navigate Up Command, Navigate Down Command, and Select Command options. Selected rows are distinguished from others to alert users which row is being used.

Navigate Up Command

Sends a keystroke value to navigate up a row within a dynamic table.

Navigate Down Command

Sends a keystroke value to navigate down a row within a dynamic table.

Select Command

Sends a keystroke value to select the current field for entering data on a dynamic table.

Element Properties

Element Type

Specifies the type or class of an element. When a theme is set, elements of the same type are subject to the same styles. You can only edit element types on a screen-by-screen basis.

The types of elements available include:

Header. Heading text that identifies the screen currently active. A header cannot be added to spanned elements.

Data Label. Static sub-header text that is used to label fields. This element allows you to change the label for a reformatted screen, but will not alter the black-and-green version of this label.

Data Value. Static sub-header text that is used to label fields. This text for this value cannot be altered.

Field. Empty text fields that end users can manually enter text.

Menu Item. Buttons that navigate end users to different screens. A menu item cannot be added to spanned elements.

Button. Buttons that navigate end users to different screens. These are similar to Menu Items, but are formatted for display on screens. These can be added to spanned elements and footers.

Each element has its own default styles associated, as set by Velocity's predictive formatting. For more information, see Predictive Formatting.

Remove\Remove All

By selecting Remove, you remove the selected screen element from the reformatted screen. By selecting Remove All, you remove all elements from the reformatted screen. To add a screen element, see the steps below. This cannot be set at the theme level.

Banner Properties


Creates a header element that appears at the top of each screen. The text entered here will appear within that element. When an image is also uploaded, the text in this field appears to the right of the logo image. This option only appears when Banner Element is enabled.


Uploads a logo image and places it at the top of every screen. Images should not be wider than 100 pixels or taller than 60 pixels. This option only appears when Banner Element is enabled. If you want to add an image somewhere other than the banner, create an image element and style it from the Element Properties.

Font Properties


Bolds the element text. By default, this is not selected.


Italicizes the element text. By default, this is not selected.


Underlines the element text. By default, this is not selected.


Determines if the text is right, left, or center aligned.


Sets the size of the element's font text. This can be adjusted from 10 to 20 points. The default value is dependent on the element type selected.


Specifies the font family to use for the element. When a theme is set, elements of the same type use the same font family styles.




Background Color

Sets the background color of this element.

Font Color

Sets the color of the visible text for this element.


The text that appears for this element on the reformatted screen. This setting does not override any text for the standard black-and-green screens. This cannot be set at the theme level.


Associates a specific key press with a menu item. When selected, the associated behavior with that key press is sent to the host profile. For example, on the demo server, the command for a menu item might be the number 3. When sent, the user is navigated to the next screen. This cannot be set at the theme level.

Accepted commands include the following key presses:

F1 through F24

CTRL-[single letter, upper or lower case]

Keycode hex values (e.g., {hex:E03B}for F1), without a \ or 0x preceding the hex value

Macros (for example: {hex:E050}{hex:E04D}{pause}{Enter} for "down," "right," a 250-millisecond pause, and then "Enter" keystrokes)

For a list of supported hex values, see Keyboard Codes and Commands.

Image Properties


Aligns the image inside the parent element.

Background Color

A background color that is shown if the image has any transparency.


The URL to the image, including the filename and extension. The path to the URL can use 3 formats:

res://velocity/resources/ A path to a resource associated with the project.

file:/// A path to a file stored somewhere on the device. Note that this uses an extra forward slash.

http:// A path to a file stored on a remote server that can be accessed using http.

There are 3 types of variables that you can use in the image URL: 

A component variable uses the exact text from the original screen, in the format of {component:the Component ID}. For example:


uses the text found in the component as the image name, whatever the text is for each page.

A screen variable specifies the row, column, and length of the text in the format of {screen:row,column:length}. For example:{screen:4,1:12}.png

would use 12 characters starting from line 4 column 1 on the current screen as the filename.

A script variable which returns a text string, in the format of {script:function()}. For example:


uses the path and filename returned by the script FindImage.

Variables can be used for the filename or for other portions of the URL, and you can use multiple variables in the URL if needed.

Component ID

The component ID associated with the image element.

Keyboard Properties

Display Keyboard

Sets the behavior of the keyboard pop-up when a Field element is selected. This cannot be set at the theme level.

Show. The keyboard automatically appears when tabbing to the field.

Hide. If the keyboard is active, it automatically hides when tabbing to the field.

Disable. Both custom and default keyboards cannot be used when tabbing to the field.

Portrait Keyboard

Sets the default custom keyboard to use when a screen is displaying in portrait mode. This cannot be set at the theme level.

If left blank, the default custom keyboard is used, which is the top-most keyboard listed on the Keyboards Panel of the Keyboards screen.

Landscape Keyboard

Sets the default custom keyboard to use when a screen is displaying in landscape mode. This cannot be set at the theme level.

If left blank, the default custom keyboard is used, which is the top-most keyboard listed on the Keyboards Panel of the Keyboards screen.

Component ID

Specifies the field identifier. This field cannot be altered and is automatically assigned upon creation of the element. The purpose of this value is for reference in scripts that affect specific fields.

Scope ID

Specifies the screen and field scope. This cannot be altered and is immediately assigned upon creation of the element.

The value here consists of the template name and component ID, separated by a colon and preceded by the @ symbol. You should copy and paste this field value when setting a field-specific scope from the Scripts tab.

ClosedContext Menu

Add New

Adds a new context menu item, allowing you to specify a Menu Item Title and Shortcut Command. Menu items cannot be added at the theme level.

Add Voice

Enables text-to-speech and speech-to-text capabilities for that menu item. Additionally, this adds the Matching Phrase field, which requires a voice macro in Shortcut Command to complete a specific voice action.

Global Menu Item

Specifies the menu item as screen-specific or global. If set to On, the menu item appears on the context menu for every screen. If set to Off, the menu item appears only on the context menu for the current screen.

Menu Items

Creates and edits menu items for the context menu.

From this section, you can configure the following settings:

Menu Item Title. The text that appears as label for a context menu item.

Shortcut Command. Associates a specific key press with a menu item. For examples of accepted commands, see Keyboard Codes and Commands.

Remove. Deletes the selected menu item.

Done. Applies the changes to the context menu, which are visible on the Reformatted Screen pane.

Voice Enabled

Enables the use of voice-activated phrases to access context menu functions. This makes the Matching Phrase field visible.

Matching Phrase

Sets the voice command to activate the menu item. Any phrase can be entered here, provided the Client can pronounce it. Matching phrases can only be created for context menu items.

When this matching phrase is detected, it automatically executes any macro, text, or script assigned to the Shortcut Command field.

Voice Shortcut Commands

When using the Velocity Client with Speakeasy, it comes preloaded with default commands. To invoke these commands, they must be included in the global or screen context menu with the value listed below. These commands do not require any additional grammars.

Volume Up


Volume Down


Say Again


Speak Faster


Speak Slower




Editing Elements

Individual elements on the Reformatted Screen pane are interactive, allowing you to manipulate the styling elements or even create new elements not already present on your imported screen.

ClosedTo add a screen element

1.Click and drag to highlight where you want to add the new screen element on the Imported Screen pane.

2.Click the New element button.

3.Set up the screen element as needed.

4.Click Save to retain the changes.

The new element won't appear on the imported screen, only the reformatted screen.

ClosedTo edit a screen element

1.Click the desired screen element on the Reformatted Screen pane.

2.Edit the screen element properties.

3.Click Save to retain the changes.

ClosedTo change the order of screen elements

1.In the Reformatted Screen pane, drag-and-drop a screen element to the new location on the page.

A red arrow appears along the left-hand side of the pane to indicate where the element will be placed when dropped. Data Labels, Data Values, and Fields can be placed within one another for horizontal spanning, displaying the elements side-by-side on devices.

2.Click Save to retain the changes.

ClosedTo create element spanning

1.Select an existing element and drag it onto another element.

2.When a red > appears to indicate placement next to the stationary element, release the element.

The element you dragged appears next to the existing element. You can span additional elements, and they will automatically wrap to the next line when enough elements are placed side-by-side.

You cannot add headers or menu items for element spanning.

ClosedTo add a table

1.Click the Add Table button above the Reformatted Screen pane. A two-column-by-two-row table appears at the top of the screen.

2.Move it to the desired location on the reformatted screen.

3.Click and drag elements to the individual cells to add them to the table. You cannot add more than one element to a cell.

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Guide.

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