Velocity powered by Wavelink
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Distributing Settings to Devices
After you have created a project with the desired host profile and settings, distribute it to your devices. Distributing a project has two steps:
•Deploy the project from the Console. This takes all the settings, files, and scripts and uses them to create a .wldep file. If you are using Speakeasy with languages other than English or Spanish, deploying a project also creates a .wlvpk file that contains the speech-to-text files for a selected language.
•Copy the file (or files) to the devices. You can do it manually over USB, or use mobile device management (MDM) software like Ivanti Avalanche.
If you use a Global settings project type, it is deployed as a .wlxgp file. Distribute one global settings file to each device in addition to your regular deployment files.

Prior to using a project in the Velocity Client, projects must first be deployed to mobile devices. When a project is deployed, it is stored as a .wldep file containing all the scripts, images, keyboards, and other resources needed to use the project.
To deploy a project from the Velocity Console
1.From the Velocity Console, click Deploy.
2.Click the ... button to browse for a save location.
3.Navigate to the desired location and enter a file name to save the project as. Click Save to close the dialog.
4.Click Deploy.
The project is deployed as a .wldep to the specified destination. It can now be distributed to devices manually or using a mobile device management system like Avalanche.
If you are also using the Speakeasy component with voice enabled, you will also deploy a .wlvpk file, which contains the speech-to-text language files. The text-to-speech functionality is included as part of the Velocity Speakeasy Service installed on the Android device.

If you don't use an MDM system, you'll need to distribute the file over USB.
The Velocity Client expects the .wldep file in the first external storage partition. It is the storage you see when you connect the device over USB. It is sometimes named 'SD card' or 'external', even though it is not an SD card or external to the device. Create a directory named com.wavelink.velocity
and put your deployment file or files in it.
If you have an SD card in the device, make sure you create the directory in the storage on the device and not the removable SD card. The Velocity Client will not recognize the deployment file if it is not in the correct location on the device storage.
To distribute a project to the Velocity Client over USB
1.Deploy the project.
1. Connect the device to the computer where you have the deployment file. Create a directory named com.wavelink.velocity and copy the deployment file or files into it. If you are using Speakeasy, copy the .wlvpk file into the same directory.
2.Launch the Velocity Client on the device.
The app automatically extracts the project details and displays the new host profile in the list of available profiles. Tap the name of the host profile to connect.
When connecting to the host profile associated with a deployed project, all of the keyboards, project settings, and scripts associated with the project are applied to the session.

If your devices are licensed for Ivanti Avalanche, you can use a File payload to distribute projects from the Velocity Console to multiple devices at once.
This process can only be performed after creating a .wldep
file using the Velocity Console.
To configure the Velocity Client when the device has an Avalanche license
1.Export the project from the Velocity Console.
2.Log in to the Avalanche Console.
3.Navigate to the folder where you want the payload created.
4.From the Profiles tab, click Add Payload in the Available Payloads panel.
5.The Payload dialog box appears. Select the Android option, and then the File payload to upload the project bundle.
6.Configure the options as desired and click Save.
7.From the Profiles tab, click Add Profile in the Available Profiles panel.
8.The New Profile dialog box appears. Click Application Configuration.
9.Create a name for the profile, then select the payload or payloads you want to associate with the profile. Save your changes.
10.Select the checkbox next to the name of the profile and click Apply in the Available Profiles panel.
11.Deploy your changes. The next time the device checks in, the payload is automatically downloaded. When the Velocity Client is launched, the new settings are applied and the host profiles are available.
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