Velocity powered by Wavelink

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Using a Global Settings project

To use the same settings with different projects, create a Global project with settings that can be distributed with multiple projects.

A Global project has the following options:

Configuration password. Provide a custom password that device users must type before they can access the settings on the device. Use the Confirm Password text box to make sure you typed the password correctly.

The default password for editing the settings on the device is system.

Max sessions. The maximum number of concurrent sessions allowed.

Hide Exit. Hides the Exit button from the menu.

Remove Demo Profile. Removes the demo profile from the device, so it no longer shows in the list of host profiles.

When you deploy a global settings project, those settings are applied for all host profiles used by the Velocity Client.

To create a global settings project

1.Launch the Velocity Console application.

2.Click New Project in the top-right corner of the screen.

3.Enter a Project Name. You can also provide a Company Name, which is used solely for sorting projects.

4.Click Global.

The project opens and you can edit global settings to be distributed with other projects.

To deploy a global settings project

1.Open the global settings project.

2.Click the Deploy button in the top right corner.

3.Navigate to the location where you want to save the file, enter a file name, and click Save to close the dialog.

4.Distribute the .wlxgp file that was created with the deployment (.wldep) files.

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