Velocity powered by Wavelink

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IDA Commands

IDA commands are used to invoke a device action or program action by the Velocity Client. These values can be specified in many of the special META tags, as URLs for the user to click on, or called inside JavaScript functions.

For example:

<a href="ida:IDA_SCAN_ENABLE">Enable the scanner</a>

It is recommended that each IDA command be preceded by the IDA prefix; however, the command will generally work without the prefix.

The following are IDA commands supported by the Velocity Client:


Causes the device to emit a standard beep (single tone).


Causes the device to emit an error beep (two tones).


Disables the bar code scanner. When the bar code scanner is disabled, pressing the mobile device trigger will have no effect.


Enables the bar code scanner. The bar code scanner will not scan for bar codes unless the mobile device trigger is pulled. You can use the META tag OnStartup with an action of IDA_SCAN_ENABLE or IDA_SCAN_DISABLE to change the scanner state only when the page is first loaded.

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