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Importing Screens

After capturing the host screens (see Capturing Screens), import the screens to a project in order to customize them. If you plan on only using the automated predictive formatting, you don't need to import screens into a project. For more information on how screen elements are automatically formatted, see Predictive Formatting. For instructions on how to style individual elements on a screen, see Editing Screen Elements.

To import screens to a project

1.Click the Screens button.

2.Click the Add Screens button in the bottom-left corner of the application.

3.Browse to the .wltsc file.

4.Click Done.

The screens are imported and appear in the screen list in the order they were captured. The black-and-green version is displayed on the left and the reformatted screen is displayed on the right.

If the screen capture included the same screen more than once, remove duplicate screens from the list by clicking the Remove Duplicates button at the bottom of the screen list. Screens are considered duplicates if all characters and elements the same and cursor zones are in the same positions. When you click Remove Duplicates, a dialog lists the number of detected duplicates and prompts you to complete the deletion.

The Screen List

The screen list displays the screens in the order they were captured. The list also displays associated tags and templates. Reorder screens by dragging and dropping the screen number in the list.

To assist with grouping similar screens together or to more easily locate a specific screen, use tags to describe a screen's content. You can manually add tags by clicking the space to the right of the screen number. Add any relevant tag words, separated by a comma. You cannot include symbols in a tag.

Use the search bar to filter the list of screens based on tags, screen text, or screen name.

Use logical operators such as + and - to include or exclude things from a search. For example: +red -green

Use ^ to search text on the green screen. For example: ^qty

Use @ to search template names. For example: @T9

Use # to search tags. For example: #menu

Use " " around a literal phrase. For example: "pick order"

Use ? to perform a single-character wildcard search. For example: wil?

Use * to perform a multiple-character wildcard search. For example: Qty\:*

Press and hold CTRL while you select items in the screen list to tag multiple scripts with the same tag at the same time.

Use \ in front of the following characters if you want to search for them: 

+ - & | ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ / @ #

For example: \#login

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