Velocity powered by Wavelink

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Using Rapid Modernization

Velocity includes a predictive engine to automatically recognize screen elements and redesign them to present a modern interface. Rapid modernization allows you to modify the way the predictive engine displays content, without changing each screen or template individually.

Use rapid modernization to redesign the entire experience, or just use it for specific pieces of the application.

To use rapid modernization, include a script in your Velocity project that recognizes specific pages or page elements sent from the host and provides information about how to display them.

Rapid modernization is not designed to be used in a project where you have modified the screens and created screen templates. If you have modified screens on the Screens tab, those changes override a rapid modernization script and the script will not be processed for those pages.

For more information on how to use rapid modernization, see the Velocity Scripting GuideRapid Modernization.

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