

Sends HTTP request to a server and calls callback function when a response is received. Sending request does not block the application.

Added in version 2.1.0

Added support for PATCH method in 2.1.34.


var result = Network.sendWebRequest(url, settings);

Parameter Description Type Required
url URL of the service. String Required
settings Describes the details of the request. Object Optional

Settings object properties

Value Description Type Required Notes
accepts Data to be sent as Accept header with request. String Optional  
cache Specifies whether request can be cached. The default value is true. Boolean Optional  
complete Callback function to be called when the request finishes. Function Optional

statusCode, success and error callbacks are called first. The function receives two arguments:

object A response object with headers, content data and status code. null if a response was not received. Described below.

string The status of the request (success, parameterserror, error, timeout or abort).

contentType Specifies type of the data. The default value is application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 String Optional  
data Data to be sent as request content. String Optional

Sending data is only supported with POST, PUT , OPTIONS, and PATCH methods.

PATCH was added in version 2.1.34.

error Callback function to be called if request fails. Function Optional

To be called when passed parameters are invalid, no response is received, or response with error status code is received. The function receives two arguments:

object A response object with headers, content data, and status code. null if a response was not received. Described below.

string The status of the request (success, parameterserror, error, timeout or abort).

headers Set of key/value pairs to be sent as additional headers with the request. Object Optional  
method The HTTP method to be used with the request. String Optional

POST, GET, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, PUT and TRACE are supported. Default is GET.

PATCH was added in version 2.1.34.

password Password to be used for authentication. String Optional  
statusCode Array of status code - function pairs specifying callbacks to be called when response with corresponding status code is received. Object Optional

The function receives one argument:

object  A response object with headers, content data and status code. Described below.

success Callback function to be called if request succeeds. Function Optional

To be called only when response with success status code is received. The function receives one argument:

object A response object with headers, content data and status code. Described below.

timeout Specifies a timeout (in milliseconds) for the request. The default value is 10000. Integer Optional  
username Username to be used for authentication. String Optional  

Response object properties

Value Description Type
data Content data received with the response. String
statusCode Status code of the response. Integer
headers Array containing all headers as key value pairs. Use .key to get header name and .value to get header value. Array
headersString All headers combined in one string. String

Example 1

/* Sends POST request to example server and displays toast messages with received data and headers.
function completeCallback(response, textStatus)
  if (response != null)
    View.toast("Received data: "+, true);
    View.toast("Received headers: " + response.headersString, true);
    View.toast(textStatus, true);
function callback404(response)
  /*do something here*/
Network.sendWebRequest("", {
  method: "POST",
  data: "This will be sent as message body",
  contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
  cache: false,
  headers: {header1: "header1_value", header2: "header2_value"},
  timeout: 8000,
  complete: completeCallback,
  statusCode: {404 : callback404}

Example 2

/* Sends GET request to example server and shows Date header from response in toast message.
function successCallback(response)
  for(var header in response.headers)
    if (response.headers[header].key == "Date")
      View.toast( response.headers[header].key + ": " +  response.headers[header].value, true );
function errorCallback(data, textStatus)
  /*do something here*/
Network.sendWebRequest("", {
  method: "GET",
  success: successCallback,
  error: errorCallback