

Inserts CSS from a resource file into a specific Web screen or all Web screens from the host. The CSS file must be in the resource bundle.

This option is only available for Web hosts.

Use case

Your site was not initially designed to accommodate mobile device screens and requires additional CSS to properly format elements.


View.insertCss(resourceName, tag, position,

{'MATCH-URL':urlfrag, 'MATCH-SOURCE':searchText});

Parameter Description Type Required Notes
resourceName The name of the CSS file in the resource bundle. Text Required Do not specify a path, just the file name. For example:
tag Specifies the name of the tag where the CSS link will be inserted. Text Required Valid values:

"HEAD" - Specifies that the code should be inserted between the <head></head> tags of the page.

"BODY" - Specifies that the code should be inserted between the <body></body> tags of the page.
position Specifies where in the tag that the CSS link will be inserted. Text Required Valid values:

"TOP" - Specifies that the code should be inserted at the top of the specified tag.

"BOTTOM" - Specifies that the code should be inserted at the bottom of specified tag.
urlfrag Specifies the partial or full URL of the page where you want to insert the CSS. For example:
String Optional Part of the matching parameters object. It must be in the following format, enclosed in braces:
The URL must match at least a portion of the host profile address. If you want the CSS to be applied to all pages, do not use the matching parameters object.
searchText Specifies a text string that must match text on the page. String Optional Part of the matching parameters object. It must be in the following format, enclosed in braces:
The text must be matched exactly, or the CSS is not inserted. It is case-sensitive. If you want the CSS to be applied to all pages, do not use the matching parameters object.


/* Insert specific styles from newstyles.css within the BOTTOM
 * of the HEAD tag and apply it to the index.html page.