

Set an event handler (a function) for the current scope or a specified scope.

Added in version 1.2.0


WLEvent.on(eventName, funcRef, scope, addFirst);

Parameter Description Type Required Notes
eventName The name of the event. String Required See Event Name Options below.
funcRef The function that runs when the named event is triggered. Functions should take one parameter that is an event object. Function Required
scope The scope this event is added to. String Optional If no value is provided, the current scope is used. See WLEvent.registerScope().
addFirst Should the event should be inserted at the highest priority position. Boolean Optional If no value is provided, this parameter defaults to false.


/* When a scanning event occurs for the session, the anonymous function is called.
 WLEvent.on("Scan", function(event) {
    Logger.debug("Scan of data: " + event.data);
}, "session");

Event Name Options

The event object is passed as the first parameter to an event handler (a function). The event object can be used to get more information about the event. The event object can also be used to pass results back after processing.


Triggers the event when a beep is about to play.

Added in version 1.2.4

Event Property Type Description
type String

The beep type. "2" for an error beep, "3" for a scan beep, and "4" for a standard beep.

eventHandled Boolean Can be set to disable default processing of this beep.


Added in version 2.0.1

Triggers the event after a connection has been established to the host. The event object passed to "Connect" is empty.


When a scripting scope is entered. Fires after the scope is added to the scope stack, but before executing all functions registered for the scope.

Event Property Type Description
scope String The name of the scope entered.


When a scripting scope has exited.

Event Property Type Description
scope String The name of the scope entered.


Triggers the event when a general purpose key handler is registered. All software and hardware presses will be sent for this event.

Event Property Type Description
keyCode String The decimal key code as a string. This property can be modified to change how this key is handled.
eventHandled Boolean Can be set to disable default processing of this key.


Added in version 2.1.31

Triggers when the native screen is clicked or tapped. If the option Tap to Move Cursor is not enabled for the profile, this event is triggered, but the default action will be to discard the event.

Event Property Type Description
row String The row number that was tapped as a string. This property can be modified to change how this tap is handled.
column String The column number that was tapped as a string. This property can be modified to change how this tap is handled.
eventHandled Boolean Can be set to disable default processing of this tap.


Added in 2.1.23

Triggers the event when an NDEF NFC tag is scanned.

Starting in version 2.1.25, the API NFC.startCapture() must be used before NDEF events are dispatched.

Main event object

Event Property Type Description
id String The ID of the NFC tag that was scanned.
ndefRecords Array of NDEF record objects Collection of NDEF records.

ndefRecord object

Event Property Type Description
tnf Number The top level type for the NDEF record.
type string

Indicates type with extra processing uri or text.


text string

If type is set to text, this field is populated with the payload converted to a string.


language string

If type is set to text, this field is populated with the language.


uri string

If type is set to uri, this field is populated with the payload converted to a uri string.


payload ArrayBuffer NDEF record payload.
rawType ArrayBuffer NDEF record type.
mimeType string

NDEF record MIME type.


Example of emulating a scan from URI or text NFC tag

This examples gets the first NDEF record, and checks first checks if the uri field is populated then sends a fakescan using the uri field. If the uri doesn't exist it tries the text field.
    if(event.ndefRecords[0].type === "uri"){
        Device.fakeScan("nfc", event.ndefRecords[0].uri);
    }else if(event.ndefRecords[0].type === "text"){
        Device.fakeScan("nfc", event.ndefRecords[0].text);

Example of enumerating the records

This examples enumerates multiple records emulating a scan.
    for(var i = 0; i<event.ndefRecords.length> ; i++){
        if(event.ndefRecords[i].type === "text"){
            Device.fakeScan("nfc", event.ndefRecords[i].text);


When a registered key is pressed on either the software or hardware keyboard. This event takes precedence over the general-purpose Key event. The values entered in place of “HHHH” must be a valid hex code. For example: OnKey<000D>.

Event Property Type Description
keyCode String The decimal key code as a string. This property can be modified to change how this key is handled.
eventHandled Boolean Can be set to disable default processing of this key.


Triggers the event when a screen is ready to be parsed. The functions in the event object can then be used to modify how the screen will be predicted. For an example of using the ParseScreen event, see Rapid modernization.

Added in version 2.0.0

Event Property Type Description
add(component) Function A function that can be called to add a component to the modernized screen. The component is inserted based on the row and column that were specified at the time of creation.
addFunctionCall(functionName, [value1, value2, ...]) function

Links a function call to the modernized screen. Arguments are passed as an array of values. For example: 

['Hello world', 123, true]

Added in version 2.1.1

containsTextAt(row, column, text) Function A function that can be called to determine if text exists at the row and column specified. Returns true if the text is at the specified location.
createSpanGroup() Function Returns a List Container. Typically used to horizontally align its child components.
createHeader(row, column, title) Function Returns a component with text that will be emphasized on the screen. Typically used for titles or section headings.
createFooter(row, column) Function Returns a List Container that is positioned at the bottom of the screen. Typically used to position buttons at the bottom of the screen.
createDataLabel(row, column, label) Function Returns a label that is positioned relative to other components on the screen.
createDataValue(row, column, length) Function Returns a text component with a value that is read directly from the native screen.
createField(row, column, length) Function Returns an interactive component that accepts user input. The value of this component is normally read from the native screen.
createMenuItem(row, column, label, command) Function Returns a menu component with the given label. The command string is sent to the host when this item is tapped.
createButton(row, column, label, command) Function Returns a button component with the given label. The command string is sent to the host when this item is tapped.
createShortcut(row, column, label, command) Function Returns a shortcut component with the given label. These components are added to the context menu of the user interface and never directly rendered to the screen. The command string is sent to the host when this item is tapped.
createErrorMessage(row, column, message, title, command) Function Returns a message component. The command string is immediately sent to the host when this component is displayed.
createWarningMessage(row, column, message, title, command) Function Returns a message component. The command string is immediately sent to the host when this component is displayed.
createInfoMessage(row, column, message, title, command) Function Returns a message component. The command string is immediately sent to the host when this component is displayed.
createBanner(title, imageSource) Function Returns a banner component that will be positioned at the top of the screen.
createImage(row, column, imageSource) Function Returns an image component that will be positioned relative to other components on the screen.
createTable(row, column, maxRows, maxColumns) Function Returns a Grid Container that will be positioned relative to other components on the screen. The table size is equal to maxRows * maxColumns. Use addToCell() to insert components within the correct cell of the table.
createEmpty() Function Returns an empty cell that must be placed in the table to provide width for a collapsed column.
getCursorPosition() Function Returns a cursor object with row and column properties.
getTextAt(row, column, length) Function A function that can be called to get text at a specified row and column. The length parameter is optional, if not specified will continue to the end of the line. Returns a string containing the text.
getAttributeAt(row, column) Function A function that can be called to get the attribute at a specified row and column. Returns an integer with bit fields for attributes. See below.
markScreen(row column, length) Function A function that can be called to mark areas of the screen as invisible to the predictive engine, preventing additional processing as recognizing this area of the screen for other components.

Properties for containers returned by createTable(), createFooter(), or createSpanGroup().

Container Property Type Description
add(component) Function A function that adds a component to a List Container.
addToCell(component, row, column) Function A function that adds a component to a Grid Container.

Properties for element formatting

After an element is created, it may be styled using the following methods. Styling is applied in a manner consistent with the screen editor.

Added in version 2.1.1

Formatting Property Type Description
setBold(flag) Function Adds bold styling to the element when the flag is true, otherwise the styling will be removed.
setItalic(flag) Function Adds italic styling to the element when the flag is true, otherwise the styling will be removed.
setUnderline(flag) Function Add underline styling to the element when the flag is true, otherwise the styling will be removed.
alignLeft() Function Sets the text alignment to be left-justified for the element.
alignRight() Function Sets the text alignment to be right-justified for the element.
alignCenter() Function Sets the text alignment to be centered for the element.
fontSize(pointValue) Function Sets the point size of the text where the largest point size is 72pt and the smallest is 6pt. If a value is used that does not match the list of sizes found in the console, that value will be rounded down to the nearest available size. e.g. Any value greater than 72 will be rounded down to 72, but 71 will be rounded down to 66.
fontFamily(groupName) Function Selects a generic family of fonts used to display text. Must be one of the following values serif, sans-serif or monospace.
backgroundColor(red, green, blue, alpha) Function Sets the background color for the element. RGB values are numbers between 0 and 255. The alpha channel is a value between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 is fully transparent and 1.0 is fully opaque.
fontColor(red, green, blue, alpha) Function Sets the text color for the element.

Example of element formatting

WLEvent.on("ParseScreen", function(event) {
  if (event.containsTextAt(2, 3, "Outbound Pick")) {
    var menuItem = event.createMenuItem(2, 3, "Outbound Pick", "3{AutoEnter}");
    for (var i = 0; i < 7; i ++) {
      event.markScreen(i, 0, 80);

Example of linking functions to screens

WLEvent.on("ParseScreen", function(event) {
  event.addFunctionCall("FUNCTION_NAME", ["VALUE1", VALUE2, ...]);

Attributes returned by getAttributeAt()

Attribute Bit(s) Description
0x000000FF Foreground color
0x0000FF00 Background color
0x00010000 Bold
0x00020000 Underline
0x00040000 Invert foreground/background
0x00080000 Blink
0x00100000 Italics
0x00200000 Hidden
0x00400000 Password
0x00800000 Strike-thru
0x01000000 Faint
0x04000000 Protected
0x08000000 Column

Colors for foreground and background

Color Bits Description
0x00 Black
0x01 Red
0x02 Green
0x03 Yellow
0x04 Blue
0x05 Magenta
0x06 Cyan
0x07 Light Gray
0x08 Dark Gray
0x09 Bright Red
0x0A Bright Green
0x0B Bright Yellow
0x0C Bright Blue
0x0D Bright Magenta
0x0E Bright Cyan
0x0F White


Triggered before connection to the host. This event can be used to alter host profile settings before the connection is made. This event is only triggered in the “beforeSession” scope. The event.connect() must be called if this event handler is registered, otherwise the host profile will never connect and will remain at the connecting screen.

Added in version 1.2.109

Event Property Type Description
name String The name of the profile.
emulationType String The emulation type of the profile. e.g. “IBM-5251-11” or “VT220” (Read only)
address String The address or URL that the profile will connect to. This property can be modified to change the data before connection.
workstationId String The workstation ID of the profile. This property can be modified to change the data before connection. (Only for IBM type emulations.)
answerBack String The VT answer back of the profile. This property can be modified to change the data before connection. (Only for VT type emulations.)
port Number The port number of the profile. This property can be modified to change the data before connection. (Only for non-web emulations.)
connect Function A function that must be called when modification to the profile is complete. The function takes a single Boolean parameter. If the parameter is true the connection will continue with any changes applied. If the parameter is false then the connection will fail with an error.
connectProAddress0 String The address of the first ConnectPro server. This property can be modified to change the data before connection. You must have a ConnectPro server specified in the host profile in order to set this.
connectProPort0 String The port of the first ConnectPro server. This property can be modified to change the data before connection. You must have a ConnectPro server specified in the host profile in order to set this.
connectProAddress1 String The address of the second ConnectPro server. This property can be modified to change the data before connection. You must have a second ConnectPro server specified in the host profile in order to set this.
connectProPort1 String The port of the second ConnectPro server. This property can be modified to change the data before connection. You must have a second ConnectPro server specified in the host profile in order to set this.
connectProAddress2 String The address of the third ConnectPro server. This property can be modified to change the data before connection. You must have a third ConnectPro server specified in the host profile in order to set this.
connectProPort2 String The port of the third ConnectPro server. This property can be modified to change the data before connection. You must have a third ConnectPro server specified in the host profile in order to set this.
sshAutoLoginUser String

The SSH autologin user name.

Added in 2.1.7.

sshAutoLoginPassword String

The SSH autologin password. This value is write-only. You cannot use this to retrieve the password defined in the host profile.

Added in 2.1.7.


When the Quick Launch button is pressed.

Added in 2.1.11

Event Property Type Description
packageName String The name of the package to launch.


When scan data is received from the scanner. This event may be used to alter scan data before it is sent to the host.

Event Property Type Description
data String The scan data. This property can be modified to change the data before it is sent.
type String The symbology type.


When a TE screen update is received from the host system. There are no properties in the event object.

Added in version 1.2.104


When a speech result is received from the voice recognition engine.

Added in version 1.2.104

Event Property Type Description
template String If a template has been selected this will contain the template name, otherwise it will be undefined.
confidence Number The confidence level returned by the voice recognizer.
grammar String The grammar that this speech result belongs to, may be undefined when the result is a voice command.
startRule String The rule that this speech result belongs to, may be undefined when the result is a voice command.
userId Number The assigned ID value from the grammar command !id.
result String The value that should be sent to the host, this may be a key macro sequence as defined by a voice command.
speechResult String The original value that was recognized by the voice engine.
eventHandled Boolean Can be set to disable default processing of this event.


This event is fired when a JavaScript alert is received by the browser. This event may be used to alter the alert message or use the speech engine to speak the alert text. The event also allows the JavaScript alert to be suppressed.

Added in version 2.1.7

Event Property Type Description
title String The title of the JavaScript alert. Can be read and set.
message String The message of the JavaScript alert.
suppressAlert Boolean Can be set to suppress the incoming alert.


This event is fired when a download would occur in the Android web browser. This event may be use to override the default handling of the download. The default handling launches the default viewer for PDF files on the Android device.

Added in version 2.1.21

Event Property Type Description
url String The URL of the content to be downloaded.
mimetype String The MIME type of the content.
eventHandled Boolean Set to true to disable default processing of this event.