Configuring HTTP Proxy Settings

If you are using an HTTP proxy for external Web site connections, you can configure HTTP proxy settings to ensure Avalanche can connect.

To configure HTTP proxy settings:

1   Click Tools > Settings.

The Settings dialog box appears.

2   Select the E-Mail & HTTP tab.
3   Enable the Use HTTP Proxy Server checkbox.
4   In the Host text box, type either the IP address or name of the proxy.
5   Type a port number in the Port text box. If this is left blank, it will default to port 80.
6   If you are using Basic Authentication for the HTTP proxy, type the User Name and Password in the appropriate text boxes. Otherwise, leave these options blank.
7   Click OK to save your changes.

The next time you create a server deployment package, the proxy server settings configured in this dialog box will be used.

8   To disable the use of a proxy, disable the Use a Proxy Server checkbox in the Settings dialog box.

When you disable the proxy server and save the change, all proxy settings are removed from the database.


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