Class WaveLinkFile

The public class WaveLinkFile is supported on iOS, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, Palm, and DOS. However, not all methods are supported for all OS types.

The Class WaveLinkFile provides the WaveLink file access interface for both public users and the package classes.


public WaveLinkFile()
public WaveLinkFile(IWaveLinkSession currentSession)


RFDeleteFile Method

Deletes DOS files from the device.

RFFileCount Method

Returns the total number of files returned by the last call to the RFListFiles Method.

RFFileDate Method

Returns the last modification date of a specific file.

RFFileName Method

Returns the name of a specific file.

RFFileSize Method

Returns the size of a specific file in bytes.

RFFileTime Method

Returns the last modification time of a specific file.

RFGetFile Method

Retrieves a specific file into the current WaveLinkFile object.

RFListFilesEx Method

Returns the number of files on the device and stores the file names in the current WaveLinkFile object.This method also stores the size, the last modification date, and the last modification time of the file.

RFStoreFile Method

Stores data as a DOS file on the device.

RFTransferFile Method

Transfers files between a network host and the device.


The WaveLinkFile Object uses the standard DOS 8.3 file and wild card (*) naming convention.


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