Class WaveLinkIO

The public class WaveLinkIO extends WaveLinkProto and is supported on iOS, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, Palm, and DOS. However, not all methods are supported for all OS types.

The Class WaveLinkIO provides the interface to the device for displaying text and querying for input. It also contains the screen image manipulation functionality (PushScreen, PullScreen, and RestoreScreen).



public static final long WLALPHA_ONLY

RFInput Input Mode - Accept only alphabetical characters as input.


public static final long WLBACKLIGHT

RFInput Input Mode - Turn the backlight on for the current input.


public static final int WLCAPSLOCK

RFInput Key Mode - Set the device keyboard into capslock mode.


public static final long WLCLEAR

RFPrint Output Mode - Clear the contents of the display before displaying the output text.


public static final long WLCLR_INPUT_BUFFER

RFInput Input Mode - Clear any unused data from the input buffer before accepting input from the user.


public static final long WLCLREOLN

RFPrint Output Mode - Clear the content of the specified row from the specified column before displaying output text.


public static final long WLCLREOS

RFPrint Output Mode - Clear the content of the display from the specified row to the bottom before displaying output text.


Public static final int WLCOMMANDTYPE

Input Type – Function key input.


public static final long WLDISABLE_FKEYS

RFInput Input Mode - Disable the function keys for the current input.


public static final long WLDISABLE_SCAN

RFInput Input Mode - Disable the scanner for the current input.


public static final long WLECHO_ASTERISK

RFInput Input Mode - Display an '*' for each key pressed for the current input.


public static final long WLFLUSHOUTPUT

RFPrint Output Mode - Send the current output text along with anything currently in the output queue.


public static final long WLFORCE_ENTRY

RFInput Input Mode - Do not accept empty inputs.


public static final long WLIGNORE_CRLF

RFInput Input Mode - Includes any carriage returns or line feeds embedded within the returned input. By default, returned input strings containing these characters are broken into separate input packets.


public static final long WLIGNORE_KEY

RFInput Input Mode - Disable the normal keys for the current input.


public static final int WLIGNORE_WIDGETS

Push/Pull Screen Mode - Do not push widgets into *.scr file when Push/Pull Screen is called.


public static final long WLINCLUDE_DATA

RFInput Input Mode - If the input is terminated with a function key and there is data within the field, return the data as well.


public static final int WLINCLUDE_WIDGETS

Push/Pull Screen Mode - Include widgets in *.scr file when Push/Pull Screen is called.


Public static final int WLKEYTYPE

Input Type – Standard key input.


public static final long WLMAXLENGTH

RFInput Input Mode - Limit keyed input to the length of the field but do not return until entered.


public static final int WLMENUBARTYPE

Input Type – Input from a menubar widget.


public static final long WLNO_NONPRINTABLE

RFInput Input Mode - Do not display non-printable characters in the input field.


public static final long WLNO_RETURN_BKSP

RFInput Input Mode - Do not exit input when a backspace is pressed at the first cell.


public static final long WLNO_RETURN_FILL

RFInput Input Mode - Do not return from current input when input length is reached.


public static final long WLNORMAL

RFPrint Output Mode - Display the output text using normal video.


public static final int WLNORMALKEYS

RFInput Key Mode - Set the device keyboard into non-capslock mode.


public static final long WLNUMERIC_ONLY

RFInput Input Mode - Accept numeric characters only.


Public static final int WLPOPUPTYPE

Input Type – Input from a popup trigger widget.


public static final long WLREVERSE

RFPrint Output Mode - Display the output text using reverse video.


Public static final int WLSCANTYPE

Input Type – Scanner input.


public static final long WLSOFT_TRIGGER

RFInput Input Mode - Trigger the scanner for the input automatically.


public static final long WLSUPPRESS_ECHO

RFInput Input Mode - Suppress the echoing of key presses.


Public static final int WLWIDGETTYPE

Input Type – Input from a widget.


public WaveLinkIO(IWaveLinkSession currentSession)


ActivateScanner Method

Activates the device's scanner without the prompt of an RFInput or GetEvent call.

AddHotKey Method

Defines custom command keys for your applications.

ClearHotKeys Method

Clears custom command keys from the WaveLinkIO object.

EventCount Method

Returns the number of input events in the input queue.

GetEvent Method

Returns a value after a single key, function key combination, or scan input event has occurred.

LastBarcodeType Method

Returns the last barcode type scanned by the device.

LastExtendedType Method

Returns the last extended type, either a barcode type or widget ID, of the last input call.

LastInputType Method

Returns the last input type.

PullScreen Method

Restores a previously saved screen while deleting the screen file from the device memory.

PushScreen Method

Saves the current displayed screen for later restoration.

RestoreScreen Method

Restores a previously saved screen and does not remove the screen file.

RFAux Method

Sends data directly to the device serial port.

RFFlushoutput Method

Sends all data in the output buffer to the device.

RFInput Method

Returns user input from a device.

RFPrint Method

Prints data to the device's display.

RFSetFill Method

Defines the fill character for RFInput input prompts.

RFSpool Method

Spools label data and a copy count to the device's serial port.

SetInputTimeout Method

Defines the amount of time that elapses before an RFInput input prompt expires.

TellEvent Method

Checks the input queue for data sent from the device without removing the data from the input queue.

WaitForReconnect Method

Defines the number of seconds to wait before the application attempts to reconnect to the device.


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