Class WaveLinkMenu

The public class WaveLinkMenu is supported on Windows Mobile, Windows CE, Palm, and DOS.

The Class WaveLinkMenu lets you easily create and use menus on a device. WaveLinkMenu objects may also be saved directly into the memory of network mobile devices for true client-server efficiency within your applications.



public static final long WLBORDER

Menu Style - Automatically creates a border around your menu.


public static final long WLNO_BORDER

Menu Style - Does not create a border around your menu.


public WaveLinkMenu()
throws WaveLinkError
public WaveLinkMenu(int bogus)
public WaveLinkMenu(IWaveLinkSession currentSession)
throws WaveLinkError
public WaveLinkMenu(WaveLinkIO ioIface)
throws WaveLinkError


AddOption Method

Adds a menu option to the WaveLinkMenu object.

AddTitleLine Method

Adds a single title line to an WaveLinkMenu object.

ClearOptions Method

Removes all menu options from the WaveLinkMenu object.

ClearTitle Method

Clears all title lines from the WaveLinkMenu object.

DeleteMenu Method

Removes menu files from a device.

DoMenu Method

Executes a menu file from a device's non-volatile memory and returns the selected option to your application.

GetMenuOption Method

Returns the name of the selected menu option.

ListMenuFiles Method

Returns the total number of menu files on the device and stores the list of names in the WaveLinkMenu object.

MenuFileCount Method

Returns the total number of menu files returned by the last call to the ListMenuFiles Method.

MenuFileName Method

Returns the name of a specific menu file.

MenuHeight Method

Sets the height of the WaveLinkMenu object.

MenuWidth Method

Sets the width of the WaveLinkMenu object.

ResetMenu Method

Resets the current WaveLinkMenu object.

SetCoordinates Method

Sets the position, height, and width of the WaveLinkMenu object.

SetMenuStyle Method

Sets the menu style of the WaveLinkMenu object.

StartColumn Method

Sets the starting left column of the WaveLinkMenu object.

StartRow Method

Sets the starting top row of the WaveLinkMenu object.

StoreMenu Method

Saves the current WaveLinkMenu object as a menu file to the device for later use.




A WaveLinkMenu object is comprised of titles and options. A title is a line or lines of text displayed at the top of a menu. A WaveLinkMenu object may contain more than one title line. Options are the choices available from the menu that may be returned by the menu.

When selected, an option returns the numeric value of its option line. For example, selecting the second option in a three option menu return the value 2 to your application.


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