SetInitialInfo Method

This member of Class WaveLinkWidget is supported on: Palm, CE

The SetInitialInfo Method sets the initial value and state of the widget.


public void SetInitialInfo(String initialVal, long initialState)



The variable that specifies the initial value. The values for the initial value of a checkbox widget:

CHECKED - Checked checkbox state

UNCHECKED - Unchecked checkbox state

UNDETERMINED - Undetermined checkbox state

The values for the initial value of a repeater button widget:

DOWNREPEATER - down arrow button

LEFTREPEATER - left arrow button

RIGHTREPEATER - right arrow button

UPREPEATER - up arrow button


The variable that specifies the initial state. The possible values for the initial state of the widget are:

INITDISABLED - Initial state of the widget is disabled

INITHIDDEN - Initial state of the widget is hidden

INITSTANDARD - Initial state of the widget is standard (shown and enabled)


A disabled widget appears on the screen, but does not return when you click it. The appearance of a disabled widget is platform dependent. Typically, a disabled widget is either grayed out or its display text is crosshatched.

Unlike other widgets, a disabled hotspot widget does not appear on the RF screen.


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