RFListFilesEx Method

This member of RFFile Object is supported on iOS, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, Palm, and DOS.

Like the RFListFiles method, the RFListFilesEx method also returns the total number of files saved on an RF device that match the input mask and stores the file names in the current object. In addition, it also stores the date and time the file was last modified and its size. Please see the Remarks for more information on accessing this extended information.


nFiles = object.RFListFilesEx (pszMask)


HRESULT hr = object->RFListFilesEx(LPCTRSTR pszMask, short *nFiles);

Return Value


The file count variable. This method will return a -1 if an error occurs. Use the RFGetLastError method to return the generated error code.



The list file mask (For example, *.* will return all files while "*.ton" will return only tone files). This file mask is similar to the DOS file mask convention.


Use the RFFileDate Method to return the last modification date of a file stored within the RFFile object. Use the RFFileTime Method to return the last modification time of a file stored within the RFFile object. Use the RFFileSize Method to return the size of a file stored within the RFFile object.


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