Importing the Certificate for Avalanche Remote Control

The certificate must be stored in a Java keystore file named keystore.jks in order for Remote Control to use it, and then you need to modify the Remote Control file.

To import a certificate from OpenSSL to the keystore:

1  Copy the PKCS #12 certificate file to:

[Avalanche installation directory]\Avalanche\jre\bin

2  From a command line, navigate to the same directory and use the command:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore certificate.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -deststoretype JKS -destkeystore keystore.jks

where certificate.p12 is the name of the certificate.

3  Enter a destination keystore password and verify it.

4  Enter the pass phrase associated with the certificate.

5  Copy the JKS certificate to the following location:

[Remote Control installation directory]\cfg

6  In the [Remote Control installation directory]\cfg directory, open the file with a text editor such as Notepad.

7  Change this line:

Global.Script.Edit.User = all


Global.Script.Edit.User = amcadmin

8  Add the following lines to the end of the file:

AMC.Server.Type = 2

Web.HTTPS.Enable = 1

Web.SSL.KeyPassword = password

Web.SSL.KeyStore = cfg/keystore

Web.SSL.MaxIdleTime = 60000

Web.SSL.Port = 8900

where password is the password associated with the SSL certificate.

9  Save the file.

10  Restart the Remote Control Server.


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