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Deployment Group Events

The Home > [Server] > Deployment Groups > [Deployment Group] > Events node lists the events raised by computers in the deployment group according to the configuration settings in the Deployment Group > Settings > Auditing tab.

The Events node lists all of the events reported to the Management Server for viewing and managing.



ID Event ID number.
Date/Time The date and time the event was received by the Management Server.
Computer Name of the Computer on which the event occurred. This may be reported as anonymous if Always use anonymous MACHINE name in events is selected in Auditing.
User User profile for which the event was generated. This may be reported as anonymous if Always use anonymous USER name in events is selected in Auditing.


  • Delete — Deletes the selected events.
  • Delete All — Deletes all events.
  • Show Event Details — Launches the Event Details dialog box for viewing information about the selected event.

Event Details

The Event details dialog displays when you double-click an event or select Show Event Details in the Actions pane on the right-hand side of a work area.

The Event details dialog allows you to scroll through the list of events to reveal further details about the events, and includes:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Event ID
  • Product
  • User
  • Computer

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