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In this section:
Packages View
The Packages view; select the Packages navigation button, allows you to upload, delete and view packages which can later be deployed to a managed Endpoint. A package can be one of the following:
- Software Agent - an executable component of the User Workspace Manager software which takes actions according to User Workspace Manager product configuration settings. Agent packages are either MSI files or the Ivanti Cloud agent.
- Configuration file - an installation package that consists of all of your user defined settings for the User Workspace Manager products. Configuration packages can be MSI or native file format, for example aemp.
- Prerequisite - components required to run the User Workspace Manager products. MSI , EXE files or the Ivanti Cloud options file.
- Patch - An MSP file which contains updates to files or registry keys of an existing MSI file.
The User Workspace Manager Installer automatically loads agent packages and prerequisites into the Management Center database, including the User Workspace Manager Deployment Agent and the product agents.
Configuration packages can be added separately by saving to the Management Center from the product consoles or by using the Add Package action to select configurations stored as files locally or on the network. Additional product agents which are stored as MSI files locally or on the network can also be added using the Add Package action. The Assigned column indicates which package is currently assigned within a deployment group. The security option allows you to change ownership of specific packages and allocate permissions for users and groups to manage the packages.
- Add Package — Launches the Browse for package dialog which allows you to navigate the local disk or network to select agent MSI files, configuration MSI or a?mp files or patch MSP files to add to the list of available packages on the server. Once you have selected the files, the Agent Upload dialog displays allowing you to install the packages in the database. Multiple packages can be selected for upload.
Undo Lock — Select to remove the lock on a configuration. The Undo Lock dialog displays, select Yes to remove the lock and save any edits, No to undo any edits and delete the work in progress configuration or Cancel to cancel the action.
When a configuration is opened a work in progress configuration is created where the edits can be made. A work in progress configuration cannot be deployed and remains in this state until it is unlocked.
- Remove — Deletes the highlighted packages from the database. If the package is assigned to any deployment group it is removed from the group and uninstalled from the groups computers.
Only System Administrators, Package Administrators and users with PackageModifier privileges can remove a package.
Caution: If you select a package to delete that has dependents, all of the dependents will also be deleted.
For example, if you select 8.7 and 8.7 has the following dependents; 8.7 SP1 and 8.7 SP1 HF1, then those dependents will also be deleted. The Delete Packages dialog displays a list of all dependents and indicates whether any of them are deployed to endpoints.
- Export Configuration (Configurations only) — Launches the Save As dialog box allowing you to browse to a location and save a copy of the selected configuration as a Windows Installer File (MSI).
- Security — Launches the Security for [ObjectName] dialog box in which you can change the Allow/Deny settings in the list of available Security Roles and change the owner of the current object.
- Rename — Launches the Rename Package dialog box in which you can change the name of the package.
- Edit Description — Allows you to customize the description of a package.
Package Upload
Packages are uploaded to the Management Server using the Package Upload Wizard accessed from the Add Package option on the Actions panel.
Only System Administrators, Package Administrators and users with PackageCreator and PackageModifier privileges can upload a package.
This dialog is only required for uploading packages to the database under the following circumstances:
- Updating different versions of product agent packages.
- Uploading configuration packages saved to disk.
- Uploading a patch for distribution.
Add Packages
Navigate to the Package Library node and from the Actions panel select Add Package(s).
The Browse for Package(s) dialog displays.
- Navigate to the package location and select the package or packages to upload.
Click Open.
The Package Upload Details dialog displays.
Check the package details and click Next to continue with the upload.
The Package Upload Prerequisites dialog displays. (only applicable for Agents)
A list of all prerequisites required by the agent display. Installed prerequisites have a green tick. If a prerequisite is missing a Browse option displays in the Action column for you to browse to locate and add the missing prerequisite to the Management Center.
- Once all prerequisites have been located click Next. The packages are uploaded, the status bar along the bottom of the dialog indicates the progress. Once complete the Package Upload Complete dialog displays.
- Click Finish to exit the Package Upload wizard.
Package Assignment
Once an agent, patch or configuration package has been uploaded to the Management Server it is available for assignment to a deployment group.
Select the Home button in the Navigation pane and select [Server] > Deployment Groups > [Deployment Group] > Packages.
The assigned packages for each product are listed in the work area.
The package type - agent or configuration, product version number, the architecture platform and the description displays for each package.
Quick Setup - Select to display the Quick Setup wizard for the highlighted product. You can use the quick setup wizard to assign all of the packages for a product to a group.
You can also access the Quick Setup Wizard by double-clicking the package type.
Change Agent Version(available only for Agents, not applicable to Ivanti Cloud) - Select to choose an agent to assign to the deployment group.
Caution: The latest software patches require Deployment Agent version 8.6 to support deployment and reduce the number of endpoint reboots.
If Deployment Group 8.6 is a prerequisite for the agent selected, a warning message displays at the top of the work area. - Change Configuration (only available for Configurations) - Select to specify a Configuration file and version to assign to the deployment group.
- Change Revision (only available for Configurations) - Select to assign a different version of the configuration file to the deployment group.
- Always Use Latest (only available for Configurations) - Select to replace the assigned configuration with the latest version available and click Yes to confirm.
Remove (not applicable to Ivanti Cloud) - Select to remove the highlighted package from the deployment group. The package is uninstalled in-line with the Installation Schedule.
Any changes made on this view must be submitted. Click Review and Submit at the bottom of the work area to review your pending changes and submit them.
Caution: Installing, Uninstalling and upgrading agents may require a computer reboot.
Using Quick Setup
Assign a package use the Quick Setup wizard.
The Change Agent Version and Change Configuration Files pages in the wizard can be used to independently.
- Open the Management Console and in the Navigation pane select Home.
Navigate to [Server]> Deployment Groups > [Deployment Group] > Packages.
The Packages work area displays a list of all User Workspace Manager products and their associated packages.
- Highlight the required product in the work area, for example Environment Manager.
In the Actions panel, select Quick Setup.
The Change the packages used by this deployment group dialog displays.
- Select the required version from the list and click Next.
- Click Finish.
When you have assigned all packages, click Review and Submit.
The Submit Changes dialog displays a list of all the packages. If you want to remove an individual package click Undo next to the package. To exit the dialog, but keep your packages ready for submission at a later time, click Cancel.
Check the package details are correct and click Submit.
The package is downloaded to the Managed Computer at the next poll period and is held in the Deployment Agent download folder. Agent and Configuration packages install based on the deployment group Installation Schedule.
Package Installation
Once packages are assigned to deployment groups they can be installed on to managed endpoints.
The Deployment Agent must be installed on a computer before any other package can be installed. Alternatively, packages can be installed manually on a computer or by a 3rd party deployment tool, such as Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM).
Within the Home navigation view navigate to one of the following locations:
[Server] > All Computers - displays a global overview of all computers, highlight a computer and select the Packages tab to display a list of packages assigned to that computer.
[Server] > Deployment Groups > [Deployment Group] > Computers - displays an overview of all computers within the deployment group, highlight a computer and select the Packages tab to display a list of packages assigned to that computer.
Packages Tab
The Packages tab displays all packages assigned to the selected computer. The display includes the package type - indicated by use of the Agent or Configuration icon, product name, package name, installed version number, installation status and status message.
The Installation Status indicates the progress of the assigned packages, any failed States have a reason displayed in the Status Message Column. Computers display in red in the Computers list if any of their packages are in a failed state.

Pending Install
Checking Prerequisites
Installing Prerequisites
Download Failed
Install Failed
Pending Upgrade
Upgrade Failed
Pending Uninstall
Uninstall Failed
Install Prerequisite Failed
Unmanaged - for more information on this state see Deployment Statistics
Example - Ivanti Cloud agent deployment
The Ivanti Cloud agent collects device data directly and provides information real-time about your devices. It can now be deployed to endpoints via deployment groups using Management Center in the same way as any other package.
Ivanti Cloud agents are currently only supported in physical environments, they are not supported in virtual environments.
Upload the Ivanti Cloud agent to Management Center
1.Download the Ivanti Cloud agent and options file from your assigned Ivanti Cloud tenant.
You will need both of the following files:
The options file contains tenancy details and is required to install the agent.
2.In the navigation pane click Packages and from the Actions panel, click Add Package.
3.Browse to select the IvantiCloudSetup.exe file, then click Open.
4.The Package Upload Details screen lists details of the selected file. Click Next.
5.The Package Upload Prerequisites screen lists any required prerequisite name, platform and version number, and shows their status of installed or missing.
Click Browse and select the IvantiCloudSetup.exe.options file. Click Open to upload the file, then click Next.
6.The Ivanti Cloud agent and prerequisite files are now added to the list of packages that can be deployed to your endpoints.
Deploy the Ivanti Cloud agent to endpoints
1.In the navigation pane click: Home >
[Server] > Deployment
Groups > [Deployment
Group] > Packages.
The Packages work area lists Ivanti products and their assigned packages.
2.In the Packages work area double-click the Cloud Agent package to launch the quick setup guide.
3.The following dialog is displayed:
Ensure the required agent is selected, then click Finish.
4.Click Review and Submit to review packages listed.
5.Check the package details are correct and click Submit.
The Cloud agent is downloaded to the endpoint at the next poll period and is held in the Deployment Agent download folder.
6.The status of the installation is reported via a progress bar and deployment status report in the work area:
•The Ivanti Cloud agent installs silently and is self updating.
Rollback to a previous package
It is possible to rollback to a previous package. Refer to Deployment Group Packages for further information.
Remove a Package
Note, the Ivanti Cloud agent is uninstalled via the Ivanti Cloud portal. It cannot be uninstalled via Management Center.
You can remove packages from the Management Server. Removing packages permanently removes it from the Management Server and unassigns it from any deployment groups.
- Select Packages from the Navigation Pane.
- Navigate to the product that the package to be removed is associated with.
- Highlight the package that you want to remove.
Select Remove on the Actions panel.
A warning message displays.
- Click Yes.