Browser Client Queues

Access Queues from the Queues drop-down in the Searches menu or work with Queues from the Business Object toolbar. Queues cannot be created or edited in the Browser Client and they can only be viewed with the proper security rights and Role defined in CSM Administrator.

To open a Queue:

  1. Click Queues in the Searches drop-down.
  2. To find a Queue that is not listed in the Queues MRU menu, click Queue Manager.
    The Queue Manager behaves differently in the Browser Client than in the Desktop Client. See Browser Client Managers for more information.

Queue results appear in the same list format as other Browser Search results.

To work with Queues:

  1. Open a Business Object record.
  2. On the Business Object toolbar, click the Queue drop-down.

    If the record is not currently in a Queue, the only enabled button in the Queue Status drop-down is Add to Queue.

  3. Add a record to a Queue:
    1. In the Queue drop-down, click Add to Queue.
    2. From the Queue Manager, select a Queue (ex: Network Support).

      The name of the Queue displays in the Queues section of the toolbar.

  4. Check out/check in a record from the Queue:
    1. In the Queue drop-down, click On <Name of Queue> Queue and select Check Out.
    2. On the Queue Status toolbar, click Check Out.

      When a record is checked out of the Queue, the record cannot be checked out by another User until the User working with the record checks it in.

    3. In the Queue drop-down, click On <Name of Queue> Queue and select Check In or Check In and Remove (checks in the record and removes it from the Queue).

      After the record is checked in, it can be checked out by another User.

  5. Remove a record from a Queue:
    1. In the Queue drop-down, click On <Name of Queue> Queue and then select Remove from Queue.