CSM Browser Client Searches

The Searches option in the CSM Browser Client main menu behaves very similarly to those in the CSM Desktop Client.

These search behaviors include:
  • Searches edited or saved in the CSM Browser Client carry over to the CSM Desktop Client. Depending on Role and the scope (folder) of the Search, others may be able to see and use created Searches (example: If you create an All Tasks Search and save it to the Team folder, only members of your Team will have access the Search).
  • Use the Search Manager to create, edit, and delete Saved Searches or use the Quick Search Builder to create and run a one-time Search. Both are accessed via the Searches drop-down on the menu bar.
  • The Search Manager behaves differently in the CSM Browser Client than it does in the CSM Desktop Client. For more information, see Browser Client Managers.
  • Queues can be run from the Queue Manager in the CSM Browser Client, but cannot be created, edited, or deleted. The Queue Manager and MRU Queues are accessed via the Search drop-down on the menu bar.

To run a Search:

  1. From the CSM Browser Client main menu (for more information, see Browser Client Menu Bar), select the Searches drop-down menu.
  2. Select an option from the drop-down menu:
    • Search Manager: Create and/or run a defined Search.
    • Quick Search Builder: Create and run a Quick Search.
    • Queues: Select and run a Queue from the Queue Manager.
    • Download Power BI Data Connector: Download the Power BI Data Connector to use with third-party reporting tools. For more information, see Using Search Data with Third-Party Reporting Tools.

    The results display in the Main Pane.

    If card view is enabled for a Business Object, Search results are displayed as medium or large cards. To view a specific record in card view, select an item from the results list or the title link in a card.

    In card view, you can access:
    • Navigation: Use page numbers and arrow buttons that allow you to navigate between pages of results.
    • Side menu: Access options, such as showing the currently selected record or showing results in a Grid view, sorting results by a Field in ascending or descending order, and changing card size.
      To ensure that card size selections persist and do not revert to the default, uninstall WebDAV in IIS.
  3. Ellipses: Access a menu of actions available for the Business Object. Actions can be run directly from the card view without drilling down into a record.

When viewing the Search results, more options become available in the Search menu drop-down that allow Users to edit the current Search and save the current Search.