Managing Controls and Widgets in Adaptive Layouts

Understand how controls and widgets behave within and between Adaptive Layouts.

Placement and Sizing of Controls and Widgets

When you create a new layout, the controls and Widgets from the currently selected layout will be copied to the new layout.

Controls and Widgets are added and removed exclusively in existing layouts. When you add a new control or Widget to a layout, it is not added to the Form's other layouts. Similarly, when you remove a control or Widget from one layout, it will not be removed from the others. The same behavior applies to size and position. You can resize or reposition a control or Widget in one layout without affecting the size and position of the same control or Widget in another layout.

You can copy and paste controls and Widgets between layouts. A pasted control or Widget is placed at the same position as in the original layout, so it may be placed outside of the layout boundaries.

CAUTION: The entire control or Widget must be positioned within the layout boundaries to render. Controls or Widgets that overlap layout boundaries do not display for Users.

Embedded Form Controls

Embedded Forms can leverage adaptive design if you have created Adaptive Layouts for the Embedded Form. For example, if multiple layouts have been created for the Task form, and then that Form is embedded in an Incident Form, the embedded Task Form will switch to the appropriate Task layout when the Incident Form switches to a different Incident layout.

The layout for the Embedded Form is determined by the size of the Embedded Form Control.

Tab Order

Tab order is unique to each Form layout. If you set the tab order on one layout, it will not affect the tab order for the Form's other layouts.


Z-order is unique to each layout. If you set the z-order on one layout, it will not affect the z-order for the Form's or Dashboard's other layouts.