Create/Edit an Approval Block

Use the Approval Block Editor (accessed from within the Approval Editor) to create Approval Blocks.

An Approval Block is a defined set of trigger conditions, Approvers, and Actions for an Approval. An Approval for a Business Object contains one or more Approval Blocks. When you create an Approval Block, you define:

  • A trigger condition that determines when the block is used.
  • List of Approvers.
  • Voting standards.
  • Action that takes place when the appropriate people have approved or denied the request.

To create an Approval Block:

  1. Open the Approval Block Editor. For more information, see Open the Approval Block Editor.
  2. Define a Name.
  3. Define Approval Block properties:
    1. Trigger Conditions: Specify under what conditions the approvals are required.
    2. Approvers: Specify the list of Approvers.
    3. Actions: Specify what to do when the Approval has taken place.
  4. Select OK.

  5. Publish the Blueprint (File > Publish Blueprint) to commit the changes, or save the Blueprint (File > Save Blueprint) to continue making other changes. For more information, see Publish a Blueprint or Save a Blueprint.