Define Approver Properties

Use the Approvers page in the Approval Block Editor (accessed from within the Approval Editor) to define the approver properties.

The following properties can be defined:

  • Number of approvers required for an Approval, including which approvals to count during the voting process.
  • A list of users and/or Teams to designate as approvers.
  • Text to display in the details field of the Approval.

To define approver properties:

  1. Open the Approval Block Editor. For more information, see Approval Editor and Open the Approval Block Editor.
  2. Select the Approvers page.
  3. Define the number of approvers required for Approval:
    • All approvers

      Select this option to require the approval of all designated approvers.

    • Percentage

      Select this option to require the approval of a defined percentage of approvers. Then, provide a percentage or use the Up/Down arrows to increase/decrease the percentage.

    • Specific number

      Select this option to require the approval of a defined number of approvers. Then, provide a number or use the Up/Down arrows to increase/decrease the number.

  4. Define which Approvals to count during the voting process. In the drop-down list, select one of the following options:
    • Count all Approvers

      Select this option to count all Approvals associated with a Business Object, whether they are created by this block, another block, or are manually created by a user.

    • Count this block only

      Select this option to only count the Approvals generated as a part of this block. This selection is recommended for multi-level Approvals.

    • Count block and manual

      Select this option to only count the Approvals generated as part of this block or those manually created by users. Approvals created by other blocks are ignored.

  5. Define approvers for the Approval Block:
    1. Select the Add button.
    2. In the drop-down list, select a type of approver to add to the list:
      • Add User

        Select this option to add a specific CSM user to the list of approvers.

      • Add Team

        Select this option to add a CSM Team (example: 1st Level Support, IT Management) to the list of approvers.

      • Add User based on Expression

        Select this option to add a user based on a selected Business Object Field, system function, Expression, Stored Value, or Metric Value that contains the ID of the user (example: An approver based on the Expression Change Request.Owned By field will be approved by the owner of the Change Request).

      • Add Users from Relationship

        Select this option to add an Approval for each user associated with a selected Relationship.

        The Add Approvers Based on Relationship window opens, where you can select a Relationship, limit records using an Expression, and select a Business Object Field, system function, Expression, Stored Value, or Metric Value that contains the ID of the users in the Relationship.

  6. Define default properties for Approvals:
    • Approval Text

      Provide text to include in the email sent to each approver.

    • Deadline

      Select this check box to define a default amount of time to allow for the approvers to respond. Then, define a number and unit of time (hours, days, or months). If the approvers do not respond within this timeframe, they are considered to have abstained.

  7. (Optional) Define custom Approval text for each approver (to use instead of the default):
    1. Select the Custom Approval Text check box.
    2. Provide custom approval text to display in the Details field of the Approval.
    3. Select the Append [Major Business Object] Description check box to add the custom Approval text to the Major Business Object's description.
    4. Select the Custom Deadline check box to set a specific deadline for the approver to respond to the approval request. Then, define a number and unit of time (hours, days, or months).
  8. Select OK.

  9. Publish the Blueprint (File > Publish Blueprint) to commit the changes, or save the Blueprint (File > Save Blueprint) to continue making other changes. For more information, see Publish a Blueprint or Save a Blueprint.