Solution Search Properties

Administrators use the Solution Search Properties window in CSM Administrator to configure the properties for the Solution Search tab in Related Item Navigation for Technicians, including the fields displayed in the Search Results and the actions available in relation to the Search Results.

For steps on how to access the Solution Search Properties window, see Configure Solution Search Properties.

Verify that the Include in Full-Text Search check box is selected on the Properties window for all Business Objects and Fields configured to display in Solution Search. See Define Search Results Properties for a Business Object and Configuring Search Defaults.

Solution Search Properties Window

Page Property Description
Internal Sources These properties define the display and actions available in the Solution Search > Internal Sources tab.
Knowledge Source Select the Knowledge Source in the drop-down list for which you want to set display properties (examples: Known Errors, Open Incidents, Knowledge Articles). This drop-down list is populated based on the Knowledge Sources defined in Knowledge Mapping for the Business Object (example: Incident). See Configure Knowledge Sources for Solution Search.
When configuring Internal Solution Search Properties, only the Internal Knowledge Sources will appear in the drop-down list (example: Known Errors, Knowledge Articles, Open Incidents).
Display Fields for Source For the selected Knowledge Source, the values of the Fields in this list are the data elements displayed to the User in the Solution Search > Internal Sources Search Results.
When configuring these fields, it is important to consider whether or not the field will have a value in all records. Using required fields or ID fields for at least the first field displayed is recommended. Fields without a value will display as a blank row in the Search Results.

The Search Results display is limited to three rows maximum. The rows can be defined by the first three fields in the list or by using the Includes Label check box.

Any additional Fields in this list are displayed when you click the link to the Knowledge Source.

First three fields in list: If the Includes Label check box is NOT selected for any of the fields in this list, the first three fields display (from top to bottom) as rows in the Search Result:

Example Display Fields for Source

Example Search Result Display

Example Field Display Row, Value, Style Example Search Result (Field Value) Displayed
Knowledge Article IDRow 1, Field Value, Title linked to Knowledge Source 10095
Body TextRow 2, Field Value, normal text To connect to a PC...
CategoryRow 3, Field Value, normal text Computer
Add Select this button to add Fields to the list for the selected Knowledge Source.
Remove Select an existing Field in the list and select this button to remove it from the list for the selected Knowledge Source.
Up/Down Select an existing Field in the list and select the Up or Down arrow to move the item up or down in the list for the selected Knowledge Source.
If the Includes Label check box is NOT selected for any of the Fields in this list, the Fields display as rows in the Search Result in the following manner: top to bottom (in list) = top to bottom (as rows in the Search Result) with a maximum of three rows displayed.
Any additional Fields in this list are displayed when you click the link to the Knowledge Source.
Includes Label Select a Field in the Display Fields for Source list and select this check box to include the associated Field Value in Row 1 (Title linked to Knowledge Source) of the Search Result.

When this option is selected for a Field, an abc displays to the left of Field. You can select as many Fields as you'd like to display on Row 1 of the Search Result (Field Values display comma separated), but only a single row will display. If the comma separated Field Values exceed the space available to display Row 1, an ellipses (...) will display at the end of the row.

The next two Fields in the Display Fields for Source list (from top to bottom) display as Row 2 and Row 3 of the Search Result.

Any additional Fields in this list are displayed when you click the link to the Knowledge Source.

Example Display Fields for Source

Example Search Results Display

Example Field Display Row, Value, Style Example Search Result (Field Values) Displayed
Incident ID

Customer Display Name

Row 1, Field Values (comma separated), Title linked to Knowledge Source 102205, Clair Wu
Call SourceRow 2, Field Value, normal text Portal
DescriptionRow 3, Field Value, normal text Emily Johnson has joined...
Select Actions Available to Users: A specific Knowledge Source must be selected in the drop-down list above before selecting the Actions Available to Users. This section allows you to define the Action Menu options available to Users for each Search Result item for the selected Knowledge Source type.
Open in New Tab Select this check box if you want the Open in a New Tab option to display for the User in the Action Menu. The Knowledge Source opens in a new tab when the User selects this option in the Action Menu.
Copy Link Select this check box if you want the link to the Knowledge Source to be copied to the clipboard when the User selects this option in the Action Menu.
Save Result / Remove Saved Result Select this check box if you want the Knowledge Source to be saved as a Search Result when the User selects this option in the Action Menu. When a user saves or removes a saved result, a Journal record is created.
If the Business Object Properties - History settings have been modified from the default settings, users might see different behavior when using this feature.